Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Y/n had packed up his belongings and was driving the long road to Inkopolis Square. He was excited, he had finally saved enough money to move to the Square. His old town had not been very accepting. He was a young octoling in a town full of older inklings. They didn't want him there. He didn't want to be there. He began to think to himself.

"I really, really hope this new city is forgiving..."

He had turned the radio up just a bit. Enough to still be able to focus on the road. There was a new station being picked up.

"Off the Hook?" He spoke to himself. He pondered on it for a bit but eventually decided to keep it on.

Y/n kept driving. He was almost to his destination. The Inkopolis Apartment Complex. The room wasn't cheap by any stretch of the imagination but it was at least the cheapest one he could find. He eventually arrived at the complex. The sky was a beautiful orange and purple mix. He parked his car outside and got the key from the receptionist. Room number 007. He thought it was a little bit funny, he reminisced about his childhood days of playing games on his Squidtendo 64. Playing Golden Eye 007. He had packed his boxes inside, he hadn't really had many things that he took with him, and took a look around the room. It had all that you would really need to begin life in the real world. A small kitchen area, a small bathroom, a twin-sized bed, a closet, a couch with a coffee table next to it, and a small box TV.

A buzz came from his phone...  it was a message from an unknown number.

Texting Time

??? - Hello there! How was your trip?
Y/n - Who is this?
??? - It's me! Come onnnnn you remember me don't you?
Y/n - Uhhh no I don't? Who is this?
??? - Y/n come onnn it's me! Only one of the best people in the world!
Y/n - Yeah okay "me" I have no clue who you are. Goodbye. 

User has been blocked.

Real Squid World

"That was strange..." Y/n thought to himself.

He began to unpack his boxes. He hung his clothes in the small closet close to his bed, barely big enough to lean in to.
"I am just now realizing that I did not pack enough clothes..." He whispered to himself, "I have maybe three days of clothes..."
He sighed and turned on his phone. He checked the news. An ad was playing that read as follows, "Now hiring! No experience needed, walk-in interviews! Interviews from 10am to 6pm." There was really fast text that went by but he paid no mind to it.

"Guess it's my lucky day, I'll check it out tomorrow," He whispered to himself.

He checked the time, "Hm... 8pm, not too bad I might go out and grab a bite to eat..." He checked the temperature on his phone. A nice 70° outside. Not too bad. He put on his coat and made his way outside the complex. He googled "Food places near me" and a list of places came up: Inkopolis Café, MakoMart, and Crusty Sean's. 
"The Crust Bucket? Let's check that place out," He said as he followed the directions. When he arrived, he was met with a large crustacean wearing a backwards cap and black and yellow shoes with a many different shoes on his front claws. One of the most dismaying features about this person, however, is that he appears to be fried.

"Hey," Y/n said to get the shrimp's attention, "This the 'Crust Bucket'?"
"Yup! The only and only. I'm the man, the myth, the legend himself...." he begins doing a mock drumroll, "Crusty Sean!"
Y/n laughs to himself a bit
"So... does that hurt?" Y/n asks
"Does... what hurt?" Sean asks
"Well y'know..." Y/n trips over his words a bit, "Being fried?"
"Dude this is a designer jacket," Sean sighs, massively disappointed
"OH-," Y/n gives a nervous laugh, "That is completely my fault I am so sorry."
Sean sighs again. "It's fine little dude, it's not the first time this has happened before. Anyway, what would you like?"
Y/n takes  a quick glance at the menu, "Hmmmm... what's a 'Super Seanwich'?"
"An item on the menu you man, there's a picture right there," Sean checks his phone for a quick second
Y/n sighs, "Alright yeah I'd like one of those please."
Sean puts his phone away, "Alright, ticket please."
"Ticket?" Y/n asks, confused
"Yeah? The tickets?" Sean appears dumbfounded, "Y'know, the whole gimmick of this place?"
"Dude I have never been here in my entirely life so of course I wouldn't know." Y/n states bluntly 
"Oh yeah I forgot," Sean begins, "First order no matter what is free. Get a free drink too cause I'm feeling nice today."
Y/n thinks to himself, "Yeah, 'nice'"
"Then yeah, I'd just like a Super Seanwich and a 'main-save lemonade'." Y/n starts to pull out his wallet but then he remembered, "Oh yeah, it's free," and puts away his wallet
"Planning on doing some turf wars later?" Sean asks as he prepares the food
"No? What's a turf war?" Y/n asks 
"Now how in the WORLD do you not know what a turf war is?" Sean is shocked. Appalled one could say
Y/n is completely dumbfounded, staring at Sean, "I just moved in from the countryside man, cut me some slack."
"Ohhhh so THAT'S where the accent comes from," Sean chuckles to himself
"Accent?" Y/n asks
"Yeah man you got a pretty thick accent" Sean states 

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