Chapter 4 - Training time

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Y/n wakes up in an unfamiliar place. Unfamiliar at first, at least. He rubs his eyes and blinks a few time before realizing he's in Pearl's home. 

He looks to his left, face to face with Eight, decked out at in full pajamas, just staring at him, "GAH-" He screams as he falls off the couch with a loud thud. Eight stands over him, just staring.

"Can I, uh- help you?" He asks, Eight quickly extends a hand, startling him once more, "Thankssss..." He takes her hand and she effortlessly pulls him up. She continues to stare at him, creeping him out. Her eyes dart back and forth rapidly, seemingly studying his face in extreme detail.

Pearl walks down and sees Eight staring at Y/n, "Don't worry she does that, just ignore her." 
Y/n notices Pearl hurriedly putting on a jacket and Marina rushing down as well, "Where are you guys going?"
"Running late, reporting the news," Marina quickly rushes out, dragging Pearl behind her. Pearl runs as fast as her little legs can carry her.

Y/n turns back to Eight who is still staring at her. He just sighs and sits down, Eight sits beside him. She grabs a remote and turns on some cartoons. He gets on his partially charged phone and begins to scroll on any social media app he has. A text from Marie shows up.

Marie - Hey, get here asap
Y/n - Why? What's up?
Marie - Training day, bring Eight so she isn't alone.
Y/n - Omw

"Hey, we gotta go," He says to Eight.
Eight tilts her head, looking confused.
"Marie said so, something about training day," He grabs whatever of his he brought over and brings Eight along. Eight follows him back to the sewer grate they originally came from, making sure no one saw them first.
Marie's head raises up, "Hey there, Seven, Eight."
Y/n has to think for a minute, "Ohhh cause yeah- technically Agent Seven."
Marie laughs at Y/n a bit, only letting out a laugh or two. She's wearing a black/dark grey kimono with green accents. She holds a matching green parasol. 
"Like the outfit, looks nice," Y/n says. He stretches idly, his shirt accidentally lifts up a bit too much showing a bit of his midsection.
Marie mocks a whistle, "Lookin' good." She playfully mocks him, "Might want a bit longer shirt."
Y/n finishes stretching, "Watch it." He speaks in an unnaturally serious way, kind of shocking Marie a bit. He quickly catches on and he profusely apologizes.
Marie chuckles once more, "It's okay, just caught me off guard is all."

Y/n goes up to the ledge, staring off into the distance, taking in the beauty of the scenery. Marie walks up beside him.

"Don't get too used to it, you're gonna hate it here soon." Marie stares into the distance as well.
"Really? Why's that?" He steps back from the ledge, a few pebbles break off. None of them can be heard hitting the bottom.
"Gonna dread seeing your new training grounds for the next for weeks. Or months, depends on how quickly you can learn." She talks seriously, with intent and purpose. Y/n can tell that she means business. "Have you eaten breakfast today? Don't want you working on an empty stomach."
"Not yet, no." Upon hearing this, Marie quickly leads him inside. There's a few options, all of it just regular fast food. Eight follows them inside, sitting on the couch. 
Marie turns to Eight, "Do you mind staying there for today?"
Eight shakes her head. "Good." Marie says. She gestures to the food on the table, "Feel free to indulge."
"Hurry and eat up then we can start. Gramps and Callie will be here. Trust me, I'm going to work you way harder than they ever will." Marie smiles menacingly, but also somewhat sweetly. Y/n gulps. He quickly scarfs down a couple Squid-Doubles. After eating, Marie assumes a military persona, acting like a Sergeant or another similar strict leader role.

She quickly pushes him outside and onto a kettle, "Enter your octo form now, training begins now."
He obliges and is quickly transported to another area, Marie superjumps over landing in front of him. It's a large, open concrete structure just floating through the air.

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