Chapter 5 - Uh oh...

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It was early in the morning, Y/n was laying in bed, still asleep. It felt perfect in his room, not too cold but also not hot to the point where he couldn't bundle in a blanket. Suddenly, his bedroom door is burst open. Y/n quickly rises up and sees Callie and Marina rushing in his room. He can't understand a single word they are saying, he just woke up and they are talking too fast for him to process.

He groans, "Hold on, hold on!" He tries to calm them down, their faces are blurry but he can tell they are frantic and panicked, "I can't understand a single word you guys are saying. Let me wake up and talk slower please." He rubs his eyes, his vision slowly unblurring. He notices tears are streaming from their faces. He focuses up, finally understanding them.
Callie starts first, she's trembling and her voice is shaky, "They kidnapped her! They broke in and snatched Marie!" 
Then, Marina goes, she seems even worse off than Callie is, "T-they broke through the mansion door and- and-" She's basically weeping, Y/n's heart is beating out of his chest, "They took Pearl and Eight, I c-couldn't stop them there were too many!" 

He tries to calm both of them down. Their faces are red and eyes bloodshot from crying so much. He grabs his dualies and slings his ink tank around his shoulder, quietly stepping out into the hallway. It's a mess of wicked, magenta ink, broken decorations, and broken doorways. It confused Y/n as to how he didn't wake up. He crept through the hallway, stepping over broken glass and pottery, keeping his dualies at the ready. He goes to Three's room, the door swings open on its own. His heart sinks, Three isn't in there. He goes to Four's room next. He gently opens the door... Four is gone as well. His adrenaline is at an all time high. He was trained for situations like these but he's never actually been in them. His grip on the dualies is even trembling, the girls are in his room trying to console each other. He goes to the dining room, larger pools of magenta ink are there as well. He quickly scopes the area, making sure there isn't any more Octarian soldiers. He continues to sneak through, stepping over harmful pools of magenta. He passes one pool and as he passes, suddenly an Octoling soldier jumps out and immediately starts shooting at him.

"Gah-!" Y/n grunts, he dodges some of the shots, getting hit with most of them before shooting in return. He's in a puddle of magenta ink and desperately tries to roll out. The octoling expertly inks the ground around him, further restricting his movements. Y/n's trembling grip causes some of his shot to go off course but he somehow manages to splat the octoling. He feels bad, somehow hoping that he could've convinced her to join their side.

The girls run out, Marina pipes up first, "What happened?!" followed by a small "Yeah!" from Callie.
Y/n's breathing is shaking now, "A-an octoling soldier popped out of the i-ink suddenly." He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves. "Three and Four are gone as well, I don't know if they were kidnapped but I'd say it's a possibility." He sees the two's expressions somehow change into even sadder ones. He trudges through the pool of magenta ink, wiping some of the stray magenta from his face. 

"Follow me." Callie says, her voice is lacking her usual cheery and bubbly tone. Marina and Y/n follow her to the elevator. Once inside, Callie reveals a secret panel in the wall and presses a button. The elevator begins to lower itself.

Once at the bottom, the doors open. Callie quickly rushes out alongside Y/n and Marina. They approach a locker, the number 7 above it. Callie unlocks it. "This is your Hero Suit and set of Hero Dualies." She hands them to Y/n, "Go get changed, we need to get a move on. This is definitely Octavio behind this."

Y/n gulps. He hasn't heard that name in a long while. He used to work in Octavio's army before he moved to the country side, his old town. He shakes any fear from the mind and quickly goes to get changed. Callie points to a changing booth as she turns to talk to Marina. It has new features and better protection than older Hero Suits. He walks out, getting adjusted to the new outfit and puts his old clothes in the locker. The headpiece almost looks like fins on the side of his head (Imagine something like the Splatoon 3 story-mode headpiece.

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