Chapter 2 - Where Am I?

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It is now my summer break yippieeeee. I'm going to start incorporating the use of asterisks (these things *) mid-speech just to be able to make actions flow smoother. Hope it helps 😌.

Y/n takes a moment, just taking in the bleakness of the room. All there is inside the room are a few cameras and speakers. He tries to look for anything that can help his escape, eventually trying to knock on the walls to see if any sound different like in a spy movie.

"Oh?" Y/n knocks on the wall, it sounds apparently different than the others ones, "Might have I found something?"
Suddenly, one of the speakers emits a loud, painful sound. Although they are extremely staticky and muffled,  "G'morning sleepyhead!" the voice doesn't sound like Marie from earlier it sounds bubbly and cheery, "As you can see, you are trapped! At least until we know what to do with you."
"Well, can you hurry up? I kinda really don't want to be in the bleakest, whitest room possible." The surprisingly lax Y/n says.
"Are you-" the voice sounds completely flabbergasted, "Are you not afraid? Shocked? Scared for you life?"
"No?" Y/n is confused, "Why would I be? What could you possibly do behind, what looks to be, a camera they use in a high-school and one the worst speakers I have ever heard?"
A small gasp is barely audible, "Y'know, just for that, I'm going to make sure this process takes even longer. Just cause you are being a snot head."
"Snot head? Really? Is that the absolute best insult you could come up with? You afraid your mommy is gonna find out you are cursing?" Y/n teases the voice, trying to get them angry.
"Welp-" The noise of shuffling papers can be heard, "I hope you like elevator music because that's all you're getting for the next few hours." 

The most obnoxious, mind-numbing elevator music begins to play. Hours pass, the selection not changing. Y/n is laying on the floor, trying to sleep to pass the time. Suddenly, the speaker starts up again, this time sounding clearer than before.

"Apologies for the wait," This time, the voice sounds like Marie, "Everything should be sorted now."
"Heyyyy!" Y/n starts, "You got the speaker to work, there ya go!"
A small chuckle is audible, "Yeah, the uh- *clears throat* last user isn't the most tech-savvy. We are now going to conduct some tests to- well- test your abilities."
"Can we start as soon as possible?" Y/n taps his foot impatiently, "I'm bored out of my mind!"

The wall that made a weird sound when knocked on suddenly opens up, "Just go right through this door, everything else should self-explanatory. We will have a drone follow you through the tests just to make sure everything goes smoothly." 

Y/n nods his head and steps through the door, having to shield his eyes from the intense light. Out through a little hole in the wall flies out a drone. It's white in color with a fake crown and tentacles on either side, both subtly turn pink at the edges. Underneath the machine is a large propeller, seemingly helping it to stay aloft. The most noticeable characteristic, however, is the large, black screen in the center with two whiteish yellowish sparkles that appear to be eyes. The bot flies into Y/n's back, trying to impatiently push him along. Y/n swats the bot away and continues on. He comes across a large machine, blinking all sorts of colors.

A new voice comes from the small drone, "YO! Listen up! This is to test your reaction speeds, just hit the lights as they show up. Purple is the most valuable, followed by gold, silver, and then bronze. Try to keep up!"
A screen on the machine lights up, showing a score counter. Then the game starts. Y/n has to rush over and get ready as the game already started. A Splattershot Jr. is provided for this test, it's connected by a tube to the machine, supplying it a constant stream of ink. A few silver lights up, Y/n is only able to hit two of them before the third one appears. This continues for a little bit, Y/n hitting nearly all of a set but missing on one or two of them. 

"Come on slowpoke, step it up!" The small drone laughs, infuriating Y/n, "We won't have a use for someone like you if it continues like this!" The drone continues making fun of Y/n.
"Maybe if you wouldn't be so OBNOXIOUS I could actually focus!" Anger emanates from Y/n, the pressure clearly getting to him. 

Splatoon Story - New Beginnings? (Splatoon x Male!Octoling! reader)Where stories live. Discover now