Chapter 6 - What the Shell, Dude?!

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Y/n's POV

I walk down Tentakeel Outpost, getting ready to super jump to the next sector. Just to get out some frustration, I begin to talk to out loud, "Dating?! Come on! Try to have a nice evening out with a friend and it's plastered as a DATE!?  What do they think this is? Highschool rumors?"
I super jump to the next sector, Suction-Cup Lookout. I find the first kettle of the area, "Enter the Octohurler." I hope inside and effortlessly beat the level, taking out all of my anger on the opposing octarian forces.

Callie's POV

I stand there as I watch Y/n walk off. My pangs with sadness and guilt. I walk back to the elevator and press the button to go down. I arrive at the bottom, it's as messy as I remember. There's still lots of broken ceramic, some magenta ink, and other things to dodge. I walk back to my room, making sure to dodge all of the obstacles. I get to my room and lay down on my bed. Quickly and accidentally, I fall asleep. I wake back up and check the time. The light of my phone is bright, making me squint. It takes me a bit but I notice it's 2 am.

"I wonder if he's back..." I rubs my eyes and gets out of bed, stretching. I walks down the hall to Y/n's room. I notices his door is wide open. I slowly peek into his room, unable to see anything. I flip on the lights and notice his bed is empty, I go up to it and there's not even a note saying "Hey I'm at Marina's" or anything. I begin to panic and think to myself, "I hope he's okay..." I go back to my room and weigh my options, I could either: A. Wait till the morning or B. Call Marina and ask for her help. I choose the latter. Grabbing my phone, I open up Inkstagram and D.M. Marina.

Callie - Yo Marina, you up?
Marina - I am now, what's up?
Callie - I messed up... long story short I mess up bad. Like really bad. Y/n got really worked up about it and stormed off to Suction-Cup Lookout hours ago, and he still isn't back. Is he with you?
Marina - Omw
Callie - Wait what-

Ten minutes go by but they feel like forever. Then, I hear the elevator ding. I run up and peer out my room. My heart flairs up with excitement, hoping I was worrying for nothing and it's Y/n. It's not. Instead, Marina walks out. She's still in her pajamas and she's carrying quite a large bag. She basically runs into my room and sits down, I barely get out of her way. She takes out her laptop and begins to type like crazy.

I try to peer over her shoulder but can't even tell what's happening, everything looks too complicated, "What are you gonna do?"
She doesn't even look up from her laptop or do anything, just typing away like a robot, "I put a tracker in his suit, it's part of the new model. Just in case something like this happened."
My heart begins to spike back up and I think to myself, "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead!", after a bit I speak up, "So how long is it gonna take-" I get cut off by Marina at the main end.
"Got it!" She exclaims happily, my eyes light up, "Seems like he's in... oh no... the boss kettle..." almost immediately my nerves start to act up again.
"You have got to be kidding me, please tell me you're joking." I can feel the worry wash over my face, "Tell me he's moving at least."
"Oh he's moving alright." Marina points to her screen, "That's him right there." She then drags her finger slightly above Y/n's icon, "And right there is the boss... the Octo Samurai."
"Do you think he has a chance?" I ask, I lean over trying to get a better look. His icon seems to dance across the stage, the Octo Samurai always just a couple steps behind. 
Marina then types something and another window pops up, "I don't know, let's ask how he's doing."

Y/n's POV

I look back at the Octo Samurai, a wide smile plastered on my face, "Catch me if you can! Although with your size... I doubt you can." I dance around and make fun of the Octo Samurai, he swings his roller at me and misses, "Oh, just barely missed me! I believe in you, you got this!"

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