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Step one; Grab her waist
Hold it like you're about to lose her
Hang on to her like she is the only one in the world,
Because right now she is
Step two; hold her hand
Hold it like it's a treasure, and you don't want to lose it
Hold it carefully, don't squeeze it so hard, relax
Step three; slowly sway
Sway like you're a flower blowing in the wind
Move like you're on a boat trying to find the perfect island for her
Step four; spin her
Spin her and hear her laughter
Spin her and see her hair and gown flow with grace
Step five; lift her in the air
Lift her in the air and spin, you'll hear that amazing laugh
Lift her in the air and show her how easy it is to lift her worries off her shoulders
Lift her in the air like she's a flower on display
Dance with her, dance to the music of her heart
Let her rest her head on your shoulder so she knows she can trust you
Dance slowly, you're in no rush
With every sway and twirl her eyes light up even more
Her hair moving with her body and her gown crashing into you like a tidal wave.
Dance with her, even when it seems like all hope is gone,
Lay your hand on her waist, grab her hand and dance, spin, or lift her in the air
Watch her smile come back,
Because it's coming out for you

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