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I looked into her eyes expecting the eyes that you'd seen in fairy tales.
Those green eyes that make you feel like you're surrounded by trees and golden flowers.
Those blue eyes that make you feel like you're swimming in an ocean hoping that you'll drown.
Those innocent grey eyes that fill you with happiness, they make you feel safe.
But I looked into her eyes and saw black,
black pools trying to lure someone in hoping for love,
black wide pools looking around hoping to not get hurt again.
I look into her eyes and feel safer than I've ever felt before.
The feeling of being surrounded by trees? I feel surrounded by the arms of someone I love and hope to spend my life with.
The feeling of swimming until you drown? I feel like I'm drowning until she drags me out of the water to save me, to hold me, and take care of me.
I looked into those black pool eyes and saw my past, I saw the day we met, I saw the day we got married, and I saw today.
Today, when I look at her one last time.
I saw those black eyes wide as always,
except she's not looking around,
no she's looking right at me, smiling and telling me that it's okay.
telling me that we'll see each other again.
I look into those big black eyes and get lost in the pools that they make,
hoping that no one will take me away.

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