Chapter 10 | The criteria.

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I knock on her door twice before I wait a few seconds for her to answer.
I hear her slippers shuffle towards the door before the door pulls open.

She stands behind the door surprised, like she obviously hadn't expected to see me here.

"I don't intend on staying for long.... may i come in ?"
I ask and she stares at me for a really long time as her eyes begin to soften. Not in a good way but more of a really bad way. A hurt way, a disappointment way.

I beg and she grabs tighter at the door before she moves out of the way for me to walk in.

I walk into her house and she closes the door behind me.

It's a beautiful home and everything single thing about this house screams her.

Rustic looking furniture, beige, oak and blush furniture peices to tie everything together it's like I'm seeing all of her personality all in one room.

"What are you doing here, Tiago ?"

She asks as she comes to stand infront of me arms folded while pulling her cardigan to cover the rest of her body.

She's looks good with her hair cut short. I would have never imagined her hair at this length.

"What are you doing here, what are you doing in cape Town?"

"Tiago you don't own the world."

"Yeah but we spoke about this, didn't we, when we went our separate ways, we spoke about this. This world is big enough for the both of us."

"You think I wanted to come back here ? I was done with this place, I was done with you ."

"Then what are you doing here ?"

I ask and she keeps quiet before she looks away from me.

"I went back home. I went back to Greece..."

"Really ?"
I ask and she nods her head at me as she raises her eyes to look back up at me.

And suddenly I'm not so furious as much, I know it took some serious balls for her to go back to that place.

"Yeah, I felt like it was time, I ran away for too long."

"Did something happen while you were there ?"

"Yeah, I found out some stuff about my parents."
She says and she pauses.

"I found out about my dad's infidelity... and fromthose affairs I also found that, I have a half sister."


"I'm really sorry to hear that..."

"No, its okay, you dont have to apologize, I've already accepted it..."
She says and I just nod my head at her in understanding.

"Is she in Capetown?"
I ask after a while after comprehending everything and she nods her head at me.

"How did you know where she is ?"

"I saw it one of my visions, that's the only lead I have on her. The one thing that led me here."

Bold of her to trust her vision, I mean for all we know she could be wrong but I am not about to burst her bubble.

"That's uhh. That's a lot."

She answers before I hear her chuckle a little

"You know as soon as I found out I couldn't wait to come home and tell you... and then I remembered..."
She says as she stops laughing.

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