Chapter 36 | Head rolls.

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I watch as I it gasps for air , harder and harder by the second as blood starts to seep out of its abdomen. I cast a white light over the wound in attempt to heal it but nothing happens. I try hard increasing my power while at it but it only whimpers harder.

"Zhara you need to stop your hurting him."

"Tiago I did this to him."

"Castiel did this."

I shake my head at him and he only stares at me with concern.

"We need to leave before they find us, we need to get to Castiel before any of them can locate us we only have so much time."

"But it's me that he wants. What if I go in there and i keep him distracted until Sheree and Theo and everybody else gets here and while you cover me."

He shakes his head at me.

"Were in this together, we walked into this, together and were getting out of this together."

He says as he palms both my cheeks and I nod my head at him in agreement.

"But I think that this is the best way to defeat him."

"Are you sure about this Zhara ?"

"I won't let him defeat me again."

I tell him and he stares at me skeptically before he nods his head after a long sigh and he starts to nod his head.

"I'm right behind you."

He tells me before he opens a portal back into the war zone and he dissappears behind it.

I look ahead of me and I walk down the dark passage hoping that i don't meet anybody else, I hate having to kill but I have to protect myself, I know that these people are all innocent all under Castiels manipulation.

He ran away to a rogue tribe of wolves and took control over their pack and forced them to join him in this war.

It was a location far deep in a foreign forest with a village like place with high walls and huge amounts of people desperate to have shelter and people shunned from their tribes.
Beyond those walls we found horrific scenes.

Hungry and hopeless woman and children as well as men in places that I believe to be their shelter that are in poor condition. He took advantage of their power and gave them false hope just so he can later abandon them.

As we speak there's is war happening above us, a war between his army of rogue people and our people. I had underestimated the amount of people that hid behind these walls and their strength we definitely were blindsided.

Castiel has not come up since he set his wolves on our people when decided to launch an ambush, I wasn't willing to wait another day for him to attack. So I decided right there and then during our meeting that we weren't going to sit and wait for him we decided that we would bring the war to him. 

But as it stands, Nala and Crystal remain a no show.

Those cubs that he abducted turned out to be weapons of mass destruction because like he had planned we could not kill them because they were children. And they were strong and vicious little wolves with a speed I had never seen before. What Castiel did to them is traumatic and I can only imagine how life is going to be for them after this and now as we speak I have one of their blood in my hands. Their injuries can't be cured.

He did this on purpose so we wouldn't be able to salvage their lives so that this would be the end for them.

I gave out clear instructions that nobody attacks the cubs no matter what untill we are able to secure them and get them help.

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