Chapter 34 | Rounds.

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"I put her down to sleep, she must've been really tired."

I say as I walk back into the living room where it's basically just furnished with two chairs and the rest of the house is just has nothing.

I haven't heard anything from Adi, and neither has this man told me anything about the real reason that we are here but so far nobody has tried to come after us and I keep thinking back to what that man with the blue eyes said. I mean he was familiar, very familiar I have seen him more than once but it also didn't make sense how every memory that I've had of him is in my house.

"Yeah, she's a heavy sleeper."
He answers as he raises his eyes to face me with a very weird and unusual accent.

He has this certain aura about him thats so alarming and the way he moves and the way he stares. There's are a lot unusual things about him. His body, his skin and the way he stares at me like I am something that's out of this world.

But I can't move past the fact that he resembles my husband so much.

"You said that your Adi's father, his biological father ?"

"I am."

"Why now ? Why did you abandon him ?"

"I never abandoned him, I was forced apart from him."

I move closer to him to the empty kitchen while he stands behind the counter with a fixed plate infront of him.

"Where is his mother ?"

"It's complicated."

"Make it easy for me to understand then."

"I was banished from, the world, imprisoned. I was betrayed by my own sister who left me to rot in there and because of that I lost them both, I lost my son and my wife."
He simply says before he pushes the plate forward telling that me he's done with the conversation.

A lot of this doesn't make sense, his story isn't making sense to me.

He moves from out of the kitchen towards the main door and I follow him.

"Who's after us ? And who were those people in my house and why were we in danger ? Is Adi safe, does he know that we're here."

I ask as we both stop before the door and he stares down at me.

"Non of that matters anymore, your in a safe place and nobody is going to find you here, you and Crystal are protected."

"How soon can we leave here ?"

"Don't worry yourself about any of this, just focus on making this experience as normal as possible for Crystal."

"I can't make any of this normal if I am uneasy about this whole situation, I need to understand what's going on ?"

"Your a mother you can improvise, there's food and toiletries in that cabinet and blankets and clothes in that other room there's running water in all the faucets in the house."

"When are you coming back ?"

"I'll see when I can come back."

He answers not even giving me a chance to ask more questions before he opens the door and he closes it and it automatically locks on the other side.

I pull the door knob but it stays closed doesn't even budge to move the harder I pull at the door the more my palm becomes painful.

I move away from the door towards the window and I watch him walk towards a circle opening with lots of wind coming from it and on the other side is a different place, a completely different place the same way we came here.

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