Chapter 31 | Thank you.

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"Ndu, how about you go check if Roscoe is okay."
I say as I slightly brush his back and he nods at me a little in understanding before he runs up the stairs to go and look for him.

Ntuthuko stares at his direction to make sure that he's out of the room before he looks at them again.

"Ntuthuko, these are old friends of mine. Zhara, Sherry, Theo aaannnd uhm  Tiago."
I say as I clear my throat a little after.

Awkward, awkward, awkward.

"Your ex husband ?"
He asks and I nod my head at him and he nods his head too before he stares back at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, friends to Amara are friends of mine. Your welcomed."

"Thank you so much, and we're really sorry to just turn up unannounced like this but we needed to see you urgently."
Zhara steps in as she leans over to the edge of her seat.

She's changed a lot since the last time I saw her, she's grown more beautiful and her skin has a different type of natural glistening almost like she has on a bronzer.

And Sherry, still looks the same, still as gorgeous.

"Amara mentions that you want to talk about this Castiel person ?"
He asks

"Yes. It's come to our attention that you've had an encounter with him recently ?"
Sherry asks curiously.

"I am not quiet sure if this is who your looking for but we have had someone trespass our lands yesterday evening and abducted fives of our cubs from our neighboring tribe and mutilated five more of our men. We couldn't reach in time and he took off."

They all sigh like he's just told them something heavy and with good reason.

"Can you give us a description, if that's okay with you ?"

"I couldn't really get a good look at his face but he had speed as fast as a vampire, I also sensed that he has wolve blood in him as well.
He's a trybid."

He says and I see Sherry close her eyes in pain.

"You said he took five children ?"

It's Theo this time and Ntuthuko gives him a simple nod.

"He's going to turn them."
Tiago interjects.

"As in forcefully shift them ?"
I ask and he nods.

"They won't be able to turn back, and shifting them that way would kill them."

"Castiel is merciless he doesn't care."
It's Sherry again.

"He's willing to hurt innocent children just so he can build his army. He knows that cubs are relentless and the most dangerous, they don't know our ways yet. That's a recipe for disaster and he knows that we won't attack because of the children. He knows the children will attack  once he has them under his reighn and we won't fight back."

"That's exactly why he's choosing to go after the children and more reason for him to have went after your son last night."

He gives me a brief look before he stares at them again.

"He was never going to get near him."
He answers.

Why didn't he say anything about this. Why didn't he tell me that Castiel was here because of Ndu.

I feel my heart start to feel tighter inside of my rib cages at the thought of potentially losing Ndu. if Castiel had been able to get to the rest of the other children what about Ndu, most mothers weren't that lucky we would be talking a different story right now.

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