Chapter 24 | "Mini you."

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He moves away from me as he stands close to a tree and he answers his call.
I see him speak into the phone calmly as he keeps looking back at me before he looks into the veld every now and then.

The setting sun resting beautifully on his melanin skin, causing a glowing effect on his being.
There's something that's so majestic about this man, the way he does things and the way he carries himself, he doesn't have to try so hard for you to feel his presence, his boisterous energy does that for him when he walks into a room or when he's near me.

I feel him when he's not close, I've felt him when he was a few feet away from and I hadn't know that he's close by, I've just felt him. Since the beach my body has reacted this way to him but I just keep resisting despite the promise that I made to him. My heart is yearning to be taken care of by somebody and I know that with him I can have that, but I am also equally scared of going through another vicenal of misery. Although I feel safe and secure around him all the time my subconscious tells me other wise when I am alone, that's why at times I dislike being away from him because when we're apart all those intrusive thoughts get the better of me and I curse myself for resisting so much.

I grab a cracker and I throw it in my mouth before I stare back at him again.

He rubs his forehead as he looks down before he carries on speaking on the phone for a few moments and he finally hangs up.

His brows are furrowed in worry and his eyes say that his mind is running a mile a minute as he walks closer and closer.
He stops close to the blanket and he stares down at me.

"I'm really sorry but I am going to have to cut our date short..."

"Is everything okay ?"
I ask as I too stand up and I come to stand infront of him as my eyes move around his features.

"You don't look okay Ntuthuko."

"It's uhh, it's my son, hes just gotten injured."

"You have a son ?"

"Yeah I do, he's nine and he loves to play ball, it's his favorite thing in the world."
He says as he smiles a little.

"I don't think we should waste anymore time then, which hospital is he at ?"

"The one outside of the city."

"That's a thirty minute drive, if we leave now, we could get there sooner ?"

He stares at me like I've just said something crazy.

"I am leaving with you, I want to know if he's okay too."
I say as I step closer to him and I see him slowly smile a little before he nods his head.


He says without hesitation before a slight smile grows on his face again.

I say to him as I nod too.

He calls someone to come and pack up our little picnic setting before we head back to his car after walking for a long while. He helps me into the car and we drive down to the hospital. The whole way to the hospital he remains awfully quiet while I just continue to stare ahead at the road.
He parks his car at the parking bay and he helps me out before he leads me into the hospital so we can make our way up to the place where his son is being treated.

Even saying it, doesn't really hit like it is supposed to. I'm not in denial of the whole idea of him having a kid infact it doesn't even bother me, but what does however bother me is the fact that he didn't feel the need to mention it to me when we met and all those other times that we spoke, but I won't blame him, we've just met a few weeks ago.

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