Chapter 33 | Safety.

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I wave my hands over each other as I start to exert my power and I imagine a door.
I don't know where he is but I try to remember his face and I build a track from there on as I move my hands apart and a whirl of air appears from nothing as the portals opens.

I walk into it and it closes behind me.

It's still so fascinating how I can do all of this.

I move through the construction area and I walk to find his office. After passing by a few office containers as the heavy duty construction vehicle continue to move louder abit .

There's a crane that's in the middle of building a sky scraper and lots of pounding and welding everywhere, it's just really busy and the only thing im thinking about right now is if I could get impaled final destination style.

I walk along the offices until I finally see the container with his name I knock a few times before he pulls the door open with his phone to his hear and he doesn't look surprised to see me, he waves his hand for me to come inside. I walk into the office while he walks around his table to sit on his chair.

"Yeah, I miss you too."
He says as he scratches his chin before he chuckles and he starts talking again.

He's on the phone with Amara.

"Sure, I'll see you tonight. I have to go Zharas here."
He says before he goes silent again and he smiles again before he hangs up.

He's inlove.

He looks at me expectedly as his mood changes from being happy to concerned.

"I know that I shouldn't have come here unannounced but I've become desperate."

I pause.

"I need my family protected from Castiel."

"Adidemi, Nala and baby Crystal ?"

He asks and I nod my head at him.

"I had people look into all of you just so I can be sure that I'm not leading my people into a blood bath and I know that Amara cares about all of you  and I promised that I'd help. So I sent men to watch over them since last night, I figured Theo could use the extra hands."

He tells me and I release a sigh of relief.

"And I know that you've had contact with recently ?"

"I have... a few hours ago actually. He's not backing down and now he's determined to come after Adi and his family not just me."

"I've spoken to the neighboring tribes and their willing to help. We just wanted to be sure that you can be trusted, I hope you understand why we delayed ?"

"It's okay, I'm just really glad that you can help us now, that's all that matters."

"And we could really use people with your power long term, and I feel like this would be the start of a great alliance."

"It would."

I answer.

"When all of this is over I need your help with something."

I answer and he nods his head at me.

"Thank you."



"Wake up."

Somebody whispers.

"Wake up."
They whisper again, with a lot of aggression this time.

I snap my eyes open and I feel a figure standing near me over Crystal's crib.

"Get away from my baby."

I say as I quickly get up and he moves his arms up in surrender.

This man looks a lot like Adi. Who is he ? Who is this man ?

"What are you doing here ?"

"I'm here to get you. I have to take you somewhere safe".

"Safe ? We're not in any danger."

"Any minute now, there are men that are going to try to come and take you and Crystal."

"I don't understand."

"I'll explain everything to you once I've gotten you to safety."

I hear a slight bang against the door as someone starts to call my name.

"Nala !!! Nala listen to me, do not listen to him,listen to me, he can't be trusted !!!"

The man on the other side of the door shouts.

"They are just trying to lure you out, trying to convince you that I don't have your interests at heart but i do... I am here because of my son. Your husband."

"Your Adis biological father ?"

I ask and he nods his head at me.

"You can trust me."

I hear growling, lots and lots of growling outside of Crystal's window and I see dogs, big dogs an ample amount.

I move back and I stare back at him.

"Nala, you need to trust me. It's only a matter of time until they come in here we need to leave."

"How ?"

"Don't worry about it."

He tells me and I grab Crystal who's still fast asleep and I place a few pecks on her cheek.

"We need to go !!! Now !!"

He shouts as the glass door breaks from the outside and the wolves enter the room while the door busts open and a man with blue eyes fair skin and glowing hands enters the room.

I know him too, I've seen him before.

Before I can say anything wind gushes from behind me nd he pushes me to step into and it closes intime as they all charge towards us at once and they dissappear, suddenly.

I look at him as i try to piece everything together.

I'm in a foreign place and I've just had my house broken into a few minutes ago and a random man claiming to be my husband's father just popped up out of nowhere and now I've just risked my baby and I's life and now where in a foreign land with no way to get back home.

"Your safe now."

He says and I only continues to stare.

What is all of this ?

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