Chapter 17 | "I am calm."

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"So what do I do, I just tip her over into the basin ?"

"Practically and the priest will bless her and just gently touch some water at the top of her head, that's all."

"But what if she cries and she doesn't like it, what if the water will be too cold ?"

"I doubt they'd baptize her with cold water."

"I'm just really worried. I'm over thinking."

I say as I sigh and I take a huge gulp of the champagne that Nala stashed in her room.

"I should be the one in your position..."

She says as she smiles at me.

"I'm a first time Aunt."

"And i am a first time mother. I don't even know that baptizing her is the right thing to do, what if she decides that she doesn't want to be Cristian ?"

"Then that's her decision, but you would have done your part by introducing her God. How she goes about it and which religious path she chooses to follow is all solely up to her. But for as long as she's not liable for herself yet we need to answer on her behalf. Isn't that the point of this whole thing ?"

"It is... but there's always that moment of self doubt at the back of your head you know ? Like i should have chosen better..."

"The decisions that your making right now for and on behalf of Crystal are based of of what you know and what feels right for you as her mother. Don't ruin this journey by overthinking your capabilities as a mother."

I say as I smile at her a little and she nods her head at me.

"You do give great advice..."

"You Damn right I do "
I say as I giggle and I continue looking at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair again. I don't want to ruin Crystal's pictures.

"Adi told me about you considering looking for your real family."


"Hey look I'm not going push you to do anything. If you aren't ready yet or if your not keen on doing then you probably shouldn't. Your intuition knows something you don't."

There she goes again with the motherly advise.

"I'll follow my intuition."
I say truthfully and she proudly nods her head at me.

"Everything will work out. You'll see."

She says before I thank her and I tell her that I'm going to find Tiago and I find him in the garden with his hands inside his suit pants staring ahead at the beach countless of kilometers away from here.

The tux that he's wearing suits him perfectly.

I haven't told him that I saw that woman again.

Dressed in that white dress same face, same hair, Same  voice, same everything but only this time she didn't speak and I still got pushed into the ground again and I woke up sweaty next to a calm Tiago with his arms safely wrapped around me.

When I came too he had been tightly holding onto me. In a strong hold, i swore that in that moment I had no control over my body due to the fact that I couldn't move until I just slept it off.

I soflty call out to him as I move to stand behind him and I wrap my arms around the side of his huge body.

This man is gorgeous.

Effortlessly handsome. He's staring at absolutely nothing and yet he looks so good while doing it.

"Hy sugerplum."
He says as he too wraps his arm around me and soflty presses his soft lips against my temple.

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