Chapter 23 | Its not you.

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His eyes are a formidable brown. And his skin looks like it has Crystal's growing from beneath it.

Hard features and an impeccable jaw structure that almost makes him look unreal. His body is huge as he continues to tower over me with a slight smile on his face. Like he had been expecting me.

"How nice of you to pay me a visit..."

"He says as he folds his arms over his chest and he his lips curve into a spine shivering smirk.

There's something about him, something about his energy that makes it so unsettling to be around.
It feels dark and heavy and it makes the hair at the back of my neck rise.

This place is pitch black and I can't seen anything beyond him. Almost as if this place is like a void of nothingness.

"You look a lot like mom, and it's amazing how well preserved you are, haven't changed a bit..."

He says as he moves his face closer to mine as his eyes moves around me.

I can feel something trying to penetrate my mind right now and it's not him. For reason I know that it's Tiago on the other side, but I don't let him in  yet.

"I don't understand what your saying..."

"Come on don't act clue less now..."

He says as he chuckles a little and he unfolds his arms.

"Don't act like you don't know what this is."

"I don't know what your talking about, I came here to look for answers and then suddenly you appear out of nowhere."

"This isn't nowhere..."

He answers as he starts to walk around me.

"This big sister...this is your doing."
He says as he points around the place and he stares down at me again.

"And you had one hell of a nerve coming here."

"Look, I don't know what this place is, I'm just here to find my answers. I have questions about myself that I'd hoped that I'd get here and now your here..."

"What do you want to know ? How you had me locked up in this place for decades ?"

"I don't know you , I don't know what your talking about, I don't know what this place is and I certainly do not know what your doing in this place."

He furrows his brows and he looks down at me again as he moves closer now.

"It's impossible..."

He says a little above a whisper as his eyes moves between mine quickly.

"How old are you ?"

"I'm twenty six."
I answer and he starts to laugh.

"Oh my gosh. The gods must be fucking with me."
He says as he starts to laugh even louder and I just continue standing here watching this man has his break out.

I'm starting to get tired of being clue less at this point.

"Can you just tell me who you are, what I am and what Happened, who put you in here ?"

"You want to know who you are ?"
He asks as he stands a few meters away from me.

"You don't know who you are."

He says and I shake my head.

"And your dying to know right ?"

"Not exactly..."

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