Chapter 4 | What happened that tragic night?

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Yibo walked alone through the fog-shrouded harbor. On the way there, his anger toward his father subsided, and by the time he reached the seaport, Yibo felt nothing but sadness, disappointment, and emptiness. At first, he thought of returning to his friend, but eventually, he changed his mind and direction. The sadness grew increasingly overwhelming as he took the steps on the bridge. Yibo stopped at the end of the harbor, leaned against the cold railing, and looked into the distance. He listened to the raging waves and the slight, cold wind. As the minutes went by, Yibo felt better and better, and he was glad that the sound of the sea again gave his aching heart the little peace of mind he longed for. However, the pleasant moments dissipated when Yibo's gaze caught on something in the water. Just as he was about to notice it, his cell phone rang. Yibo sighed grumpily, then reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out his mobile. After seeing that it was not his father but only Wenjun, Yibo picked up the call, then he directed his gaze back into the distance and continued to search for what he had noticed earlier.

"Hey Wenjun."

"Hi Yibo! .. So tell me, what's up? Who is there with your father? Are you still with him, or you couldn't stand it anymore, and .. -"

"I'm long gone from there, and I'm not going to go back." Yibo interjected angrily.

"What? ... What's wrong? Why are you so upset? Where are you now?" asked Wenjun.

"I'm at the harbor now, because I don't feel like going home right now. .. She upset me so much that if I had gone home now, I probably would have just broken and crushed the apartment in anger."

"But I still don't understand that. .. Who was there with your father who was able to anger you like that?" asked Wenjun.

"The one I never wanted to see again in my life, but it appears she's returned to make my life hell once more."

There was a minor silence on the other side.

"Oh. .. So Liying is." - Wenjun finally spoke up. - "Damn ... I can't believe that witch dared to come back. .... And what did she tell you? Why is she here, and what is she doing in your father's house?" asked Wenjun.

"I don't know what her real intentions are, but I still can't believe that after all these years, she thought I had forgotten what she had done and that I was no longer angry with her. What's even more pathetic is that she even thought I would forgive her tonight when we met."

"So she's even more foolish than she was." - Wenjun remarked with a small laugh. - "But if that's true, don't you think you did it wrong when you left your father alone with that snake?"

"My father can take care of himself. Anyway, as I've heard, the two of them have a pretty good relationship with each other. I know my father well, no matter what I say, he wouldn't believe me anyway. He never did, so why would he listen to me right now if .. -" Yibo fell silent unexpectedly as he caught a glimpse of what he had seen before. An unknown figure was swimming in the water.

"Yibo..? Yibo?! Hey! ... Yibo, are you still there?" asked Wenjun, but Yibo did not pay attention to his friend, he just continued to watch the figure.

The distance and fog made it difficult for Yibo to see exactly what the figure was doing, but he knew it was dangerous to be in the water in such cold weather.

"Yibo! .. Yibo! Don't do that, .. say something! Are you still there?!" - shouted Wenjun from across the line. He began to worry more and more about Yibo.

Knowing that his best friend was alone in the harbor and that his mental state was not very good caused Wenjun a great deal of fear and anxiety. After the call was interrupted, Wenjun did not try to call him again, but immediately got into a car and headed for the port.

Yibo, meanwhile, had completely forgotten that he was talking to Wenjun on his mobile. The figure almost mesmerized him. He didn't even notice when his cell phone fell out of his hand and into the water.

"Hey!!! Hey!!! Who are you? ... How did you get in the water?" asked Yibo first, hoping the figure had decided to go swimming at night out of boredom. But instead of answering, the figure just visibly started waving his arms as if trying to signal something to Yibo. Seeing this, Yibo was only terrified, he could only think that the figure might be in danger, drowning, or something might have attacked him.

"Hey! Are you okay? .. Say something!! ... Can you see or hear me?" shouted Yibo as he waved for the figure to see him.

But the situation has become unexpectedly dramatic. The figure visibly struggled on the surface of the water and then finally submerged. Then Yibo turned back, terrified, to see if he could see someone to ask for help.

"Help! ...Help! Someone is in the water and drowning! ...Help!!!"

Wherever Yibo looked, he saw no one on the shore or in the harbor. A risky idea ran through Yibo's brain after he realized that the figure might be in danger and that the only one he could count on to help him not drown was Yibo.

 A risky idea ran through Yibo's brain after he realized that the figure might be in danger and that the only one he could count on to help him not drown was Yibo

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After barely a moment's reluctance, Yibo was determined to commit a grave act. He climbed over the railing, then took a deep breath, and jumped into the cold water.



"Hey!!! ... Ah, .. Hey!!! Where are you? ..." Yibo shouted again, but this time he was in the water.

As he turned around and searched everywhere for the figure, he tried with all his might to stay on the surface of the water.

"Where are you?! ... I want to help you! Just shout where you are!!!" shouted Yibo even louder.

The figure then briefly emerged from the water. Yibo could barely see his face due to the distance and darkness, but a momentary feeling of relief gripped him when he finally caught a glimpse of the figure again.

"I see you! .. See you!! Hold on! .. Hold on, I'm almost there!!" said Yibo in his slightly trembling voice.

Just as Yibo was about to start swimming toward the figure, he felt his pace slow. He was barely able to move his limbs anymore. Despite his best efforts, Yibo was quickly overcome with fright and panicked. He tried to keep himself on the surface of the water, but eventually, he still lost consciousness and sank under the water.


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! 💙✨

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