Chapter 12 | The Sea and the House

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The sky was still dark, and people had not walked on the shore yet. Yibo was lying in bed, but there was no one lying next to him.

Zhan stood outside on the terrace for many minutes, watching the sea waves. Finally, he let go of the railing he was leaning on and walked down the wooden staircase that led straight to the shore.

Zhan walked along the shore with light steps, directing his gaze to the waves. The sound of the ocean almost beckoned the merfolk to return to where he was born and where he grew up and lived — into the sea. Zhan felt a kind of invisible force pulling him towards the water, but his heart was not calling him back to the ocean but to Yibo's house. When he felt he was too far away from Yibo's house, he stopped. Where Zhan stood, the waves could reach him, but they could no longer reach his feet. He was only a few steps away from becoming a merfolk.

For a while, Zhan watched the waves appear and then recede in front of his feet. Then, as if only he had sensed someone's icy gaze fixed on him, Zhan simply raised his head and looked ahead. In the deeper part of the ocean, he saw a mysterious figure emerging on the surface.

The siren's long, dark hair almost completely hid her face, but her half-open mouth's sharp, shark-like teeth were clearly visible from afar

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The siren's long, dark hair almost completely hid her face, but her half-open mouth's sharp, shark-like teeth were clearly visible from afar. Zhan knew the creature very well, which is why he had a slight shiver.

"You can't hide, and you can't run from us forever, 'little merfolk'. Sooner or later, you'll have to return to the sea. ... And we'll be waiting for you." - the siren whispered in an eerie voice to the merfolk standing on the shore.

After a short pause, the siren resumed. - "You on the shore will never be safe, nor will you survive. People are evil and will hurt you. ... Come back to where you belong; come back to us, .. come back to the sea. This .. is your true home." the siren whispered, hoping to lure Zhan into the water. However, the siren did not know that Zhan was not as naive as she thought.

However, Zhan's hesitation annoyed her. The siren soon realized that the merfolk didn't believe her words, .. even if she told him half-truths and that some parts of her sentences were even a little close to what the future already had in store for Zhan.


Sirens aren't known for their kindness, and Zhan experienced this personally when he got in the way of a small group of sirens. A dark and sad memory, in which the sirens inflicted an eternal, never-healing wound on Zhan, .. lived in him as vividly as if it had only happened yesterday; 

 lived in him as vividly as if it had only happened yesterday; 

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