Chapter 11

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The next morning, Wu Xie woke up earlier than usual. His eyes opened and he took in the faded blue colour of the tent that he had now grown used to to. He turned to face Zhang but was shocked to see the empty sleeping bag. He reached out to touch the bag and found it to be cold.

He must have woken up a while ago. But where is he?

Gathering all his willpower, he pulled himself up and stood straight, stretching his arms wide. He got out of the tent and started to look for him.

Xiaoge, where'd you go?

Wu Xie thought that if he waited for a while, Zhang would come back himself. So he did. He waited for what seemed like hours till Pangzi woke up.

"Morning Tianzhen, where is Xiaoge?" Pangzi asked and Wu Xie shook his head.

"I don't know, I woke up and saw that his sleeping bag was empty. I thought he would be back soon, but it has been a while and he isn't back yet." Wu Xie said as a frown formed itself on his face.

"Aww! My Tianzhen is worried about his darling~." Pangzi teased and Wu Xie once again broke into a huge blush. The kiss they shared yesterday came to his mind in the form of a tidal wave he wasn't ready for. It was still so fresh in his mind that he could feel Zhang's lips against his.

"S-shut up! Stupid Pangzi." Wu Xie grumbled and Pangzi chuckled at his cuteness.

Suddenly, Wu Xie clamped Pangzi's mouth shut with his hand. Pangzi struggled but Wu Xie urged him to stay quiet.

"Shh! I heard footsteps here." Wu Xie said. Pangzi finally wiggled out his grasp and let out a sigh.

"Come on Wu Xie, who else would it be? It is Xiaoge of course!" Pangzi said but Wu Xie was sure it was not the hooded male.

"Its not Xiaoge. He walks as stealthily and quietly as a cat. If he were to approach you from behind, you wouldn't even realize till its too late." Wu Xie said and Pangzi looked at the younger in amazement.

"Well who am I to argue? Lovers do know each other the best." Wu Xie only glared at Pangzi to shut the male up, which actually worked.

"Let's hide and see who it is." Wu Xie said and dragged Pangzi to the nearest tent, hiding inside it. He peeked through a small gap and ushered the latter to keep his loud mouth shut.

From the cracks of the tent he saw a girl who was covered in cuts and bruises. But that wasn't what caught Wu Xie's attention. He saw the girl struggling to drag Zhang with her. Zhang was injured! And that too pretty badly.

Without thinking, Wu Xie rushed out of the tent towards his Xiaoge. Thousands of questions were going on inside his head but the biggest one them all was how Zhang ended up in this state.

"Xiaoge!" Wu Xie yelled as he grabbed ahold of Zhang, allowing the older to put all his weight on him. He instantly sat down and placed Zhang's head on his lap.

"How did he end up like this? Where did you find him?" Wu Xie looked up to the girl, asking her through the tears that already threatened to fall.

The girl however, herself was also terribly injured. Wu Xie noticed all the wounds on her body were deep and she probably also lost a considerable amount of blood. She struggled to stand straight, bent low as she was panting heavily.

"This man......must have had a....death wish... I don't know what he was doing...but....he really intended to...fight the tiger beast...bare handed... If it wasn't for me...he would have...been a goner." She said through her pants, desperately trying not to pass out but to no avail.

She felt like the world was spinning in circles as she stumbled, but before she could touch the ground, two arms wrapped themselves protectively around her.

"Careful there. You are terribly injured so, let's first get you both treated and then we can have a longer chat. Sound good?" Pangzi said sweetly, as he picked up the girl in bridal style, Wu Xie following behind him into Pangzi's tent with Zhang on his back.

After Wu Xie and Pangzi patched the two up, they left them inside the tent to rest. As much as Wu Xie wanted to stay next to Zhang, he knew he was extremely clumsy and might accidently disturb his sleep so he reluctantly left.

"Pangzi, just what was Xiaoge trying to do?" Wu Xie asked, he couldn't hide the sadness in his voice. He was extremely worried but also confused.

Why did Xiaoge go off all alone like that?

"I dunno but the bigger question is, what is a girl like her doing in the middle of a forest? And not only that, just how strong is she to have saved Xioage and herself?" Pangzi wondered and Wu Xie let his words sink in. 

Pangzi is right, and how did she find us here at the camp? Did Xiaoge tell her? Or was it a coincidence?

Wu Xie shook his head.

Let the two recover first, then we can ask all our doubts.

He got up and peeked inside the tent to see Zhang awake, clutching his head as his face was twisted in a frown. Wu Xie rushed to his side and immediately cupped Zhang's face, making the older face him.

"Xiaoge, are you okay?" He asked, hands trembling as his voice cracked. They may have not known each other for a long time, but Zhang meant the world to Wu Xie in just a matter of days and Zhang felt no different towards the younger.

The older gave a small nod in confirmation that he was alright but winced slightly as his head was pounding. Wu Xie got up to find the first aid kit and handed a painkiller to Zhang, which the older gladly accepted.

After administering the medicine, Wu Xie sat down and laid Zhang's head on his lap, running his fingers through the jet black hair.

"Xiaoge, where did you go so early in the morning? Why did you go alone? Why did you fight the beast bare-handed?" Wu Xie asked without a pause, causing the older to crack a small smile. No one ever worried about Zhang so this was a foreign feeling. Zhang felt important for the first time in his life, because he was perceived as a human and not a tool.

"I went ahead to look for the cave and guess what?" Zhang asked and Wu Xie's brows raised as his eyes widened.

"You found it?!" Wu Xie asked and Zhang nodded with a smirk.

"Remember when we first met the beast? I lost my sword there, so I didn't have a good enough weapon on me to fight it again. I am sorry I made you worry so much puppy." Zhang apologized and Wu Xie finally relaxed.

"You should be!" He said as he playfully punched Zhang's shoulder blade.

"A sword?" The girl asked as she woke up at that very instance. She had over heard their conversation and had her bag on her lap. The couple hadn't even realized that she had actually gotten up as they were lost in their own little world.

"Does it look like this? I saw it in the ground and it looked rather expensive to I decided to keep it." She said as drew out a sword from her bag.

Zhang and Wu Xie looked over to her and were left speechless.

There in her hands was the Sacred Sword that Zhang thought he lost forever.

Finally Found- Wu Xie x Zhang QilingWhere stories live. Discover now