I Am Switzerland

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The emotional fallout from Nigeria was nothing compared to what the government wanted to do. The proposed Sokovia Accords sounded like borderline fascism under the guise of public safety, but they might also be the necessary evil to help alleviate public outrage about the recent mistakes made by super people.

Zoe was still sleeping when the call came in. Peggy Carter had died and Steve was heading to London for her funeral. As much as her heart broke for him, she was covering for a friend who was out with the flu and couldn't get away. Thankfully, Nat and Sam would be with him, then Nat was off to sign the accords. She could tell that relationships were strained all around over them, but relieved that everyone seemed to put their differences aside to support Steve.

A few days later, Zoe was at the Nurses Station in the ER when one of her colleagues elbowed her to look up at the television screen in the patient room across from them. The situation in Vienna looked grim. The king of Wakanda was dead. And there were sightings of someone who was supposed to have died a lifetime ago. What the hell was going on?

Before she could even process, the emergency ring sounded on her phone. Thankfully it was Sam on the other end.

"What the actual fuck is going on? Are you okay?" Zoe stepped into a supply room. "Please tell me you were not in Vienna."

"No, but I'm headed there now." Sam sounded exhausted. "I'm fine, but depending on how this plays out, I might not get to check in for a while."

"So the Barnes thing is a hoax, right?" Zoe asked. "Someone is just trying to fuck with poor Steve again?"

"About that..." Sam sighed. "Remember the big boom in DC? Turns out Cap isn't the oldest living Howling Commando after all..."

"Whoa, hold on, seriously?! That dude is alive?!" Zoe gasped. "And he just blew up the United Nations? Is Steve losing his mind?"

"Yeah, so..." Sam was not looking forward to this. "He's been trying to find Barnes since DC. This is actually the best lead we've had on him."

"We? You're telling me you knew about this?" Zoe hated how Sam's new life came with so many secrets. "And you've known about this for almost two years?"

"Yes." Sam answered plainly. "I've been running around in circles chasing dead ends all over the globe trying to help find this guy, even though he's already tried to kill me numerous times."

"Because Steve asked you to? Motherfucker..." Zoe couldn't hide her disdain. "He put you in harm's way so he could see his dead best friend again...I really hate this, Samuel. I get it, but I fucking hate it."

"I know, Z. And I'm sorry for keeping it from you, but the less you know the better." Sam breathed. "Gotta keep you safe, even if it sucks."

"What does this mean for you?" Zoe was trying not to shake. "You and Steve chase the ghost, then what? He's the most wanted man in the world right now! Don't get yourself arrested or worse just because you won't disobey the Captain. Hell, he's not even a real Captain! It's an honorary title! Please, Sam! Don't do this! Let him find Barnes on his own. Don't follow him on this one, I'm begging you. Think about you for a change, think about Sarah and the boys, please, don't do this..." she cried, desperately trying to reason with her extremely stubborn friend.

"I wish it was that easy, Z." Sam said gently. "What if it was me who was lost? What if you knew I was out there, but you couldn't bring me in on your own? I'm not doing this out of blind loyalty to Steve, I'm doing this as a friend trying to help."

"Please Sam..." Zoe begged. "I can't lose my best friend for his..."

"Come on, old lady, you can't get rid of me that easily!" Sam tried to joke. "But like I said, I might be off the radar for a while with this."

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