Prelude To A Kiss

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There was no more fighting it. No more obsessing about what to wear. No more time to back out and yell "just kidding!" Only waiting. It was 6:50pm, and Zoe was pacing in the foyer, hoping she wasn't making a huge mistake.

The dress fit perfectly, she had added a little beaded cardigan and some kitten heels to complete the look. Her hair, which had been done, redone and done again, was in a slightly messy chignon. She hated wearing makeup, but filled in the brows and curled up her eyelashes. A touch of red lipgloss and about ten pep talks from Nat later, there she was. Trying not to flop sweat or turn around and run back to her room.

Her efforts were rewarded when Steve stepped into the room at exactly seven, and smiled that fucking smile. The one that made it look like his face was about to split in half if he wasn't careful. The one she was finally able to admit to herself she would do just about anything, including wearing an extremely uncomfortable dress, to see. He had on a navy blue suit without a tie, a crisp white shirt, his hair brushed back, and shoes that were not boots or sneakers for a change. Absolutely devastatingly handsome and coming right towards her.

" look, wow, you look great." He breathed and took her hand. "Shall we?"

"You don't look too bad yourself, Steven." She smiled shyly. "Also, I'm not getting on that death trap motorcycle in this dress."

"Of course not!" He chuckled. "In fact, I don't think you've ever been on the bike, have you?"

"Treated too many accident victims over the years..." Zoe shook her head. "You're more likely to see me swim with sharks first, much lower incidence of death."

"Noted." Steve led her to one of the luxury sedans in the garage. He rushed to open her door for her. "Please, allow me a few old fashioned moves tonight, they're kind of all I've got."

"Just for tonight." She smiled softly at him and he felt like time stopped. "Please stop looking at me like that, I'm self conscious enough..." she looked down at her lap.

"You look beautiful, Zoe." He breathed before closing her door and running around to his. "Let's go before I chicken out."

The inhabitants of the small town closest to the compound were always respectful of their famous neighbors, leaving them alone most of the time, unless it was a kid excited to see one of their heroes. Tonight was no different. The small Italian restaurant was lovely. No one stared or bothered them, just treated Steve like any other patron. Conversation flowed like it always did between them, punctuated by lingering glances and flushing of cheeks. As the meal wrapped up, he took her hand across the table.

"Thank you for tonight." He started. "I know you're probably going to argue with me, but let me just say this, okay? Thanks for being game after all this time, for giving a guy like me a chance..."

"A guy like you?" Zoe playfully raised an eyebrow. "You mean a sweet, loyal, honest, literal golden retriever of a man, who just so happens to look like human sunshine when he smiles? That guy?"

"I'm not sure we're talking about the same person here, Zoe." He joked, trying to cover his delight hearing what she really thought of him after all these years. "But if I find that guy, I'm not giving him your number."

"Good, because after a night like this..." Zoe squeezed his hand. "I might not be able to resist him."

They were interrupted by the server bringing the check, which Zoe fought for, only to see that it had already been paid.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Rogers." She smirked. "Times have changed, buying a girl dinner doesn't mean what you think it does..."

"Oh god, no!" Steve got flustered. "No, I didn't mean it like that at all, please don't think that's what..."

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