Coded Messages

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"Hey Zoe, Dr. Jones returning your page on line 3." One of her colleagues yelled across the Nurses Station.

"Dr. Jones? Whatever, it's probably one of the specialty attendings. Be right there." She called from the telemetry monitors.

"Thanks for holding, Dr. Jones. Sorry, it's crazy here tonight. What service are you with?" Zoe asked as she balanced the phone while she flipped through charts. "Which patient did I page you on again?"

"Z, it's me. Don't say anything, just play along for now, okay?" Sam said just above a whisper. "Say something medical to make this sound legit."

"I thought that patient was transferred out of state?" Zoe tried to play along. "Where is their primary care located?"

"You know I can't tell you that, but we're safe." Sam reassured her. "When was the last time you talked to Stark?"

"He was seen last week by psychiatry. Does this mean that the patient can be discharged home?" Zoe tried not to get her hopes up. "Or at least transferred?"

"Not yet, but we'll be in the area at the end of the month." Sam was trying to get the point across without saying too much. "Think it's safe to crash with you or does he have your place bugged?"

"I would love to consult in person." Zoe couldn't hide her grin. "Dr. Schneider and the old man on service, too?"

"Dr. Schneider and the old man?" Sam was puzzled for a second then realized what she was doing. "Ha! Does that make you Sallah or the old guy who guards the grail?" He laughed. "Yeah, them, too. Can you do it?"

"Absolutely. What tests do we need to run?" Zoe was cautiously optimistic. "Scans?"

"I sent some things to you at the hospital, they should be there later tonight via bike messenger. Say it's dinner or something. It's gonna be a burner phone and a bug sweeper." Sam reported. "Keep the burner inside hospital, that way Nat can use the encrypted service you guys use for medical records to bounce the signal around. When the package gets there, turn on the phone and look for a text. Steve said some dumb shit about the weather? Anyway, you text back 'Yes, but I always carry an umbrella' verbatim and turn the phone back off. Check it again in two hours. When you get home later, sweep the entire house, garage, mailbox, your car, everything. Don't forget behind the toilets, under the rugs, in the fridge, everywhere."

"Are you sure we need to be this invasive? He hasn't been home, risk of exposure is low." Zoe hated thinking that Tony did anything intrusive, but knew how hard he was looking for them. "Last physical contact was before the event, though the ex-girlfriend has been by."

"There's no way he would have made Pepper bug your house, at least not knowingly." Sam conceded. "Did she give you anything or send you any gifts?"

"No, are we concerned with cross contamination?" She doubted Pepper would have any involvement, but didn't want to put Sam and the others at risk. "ETA on discharge?"

"Like I said, end of the month." Sam chuckled. "Try not to get too excited, if the bug sweep isn't clean, we can't come."

"Can I put you on a brief hold and get to my desk, Dr. Jones?" Zoe had so many questions. "The chart is over there and I want to confirm a few details."

"Sure thing, but don't be too long." Sam joked. "I hate hold music."

Zoe ran to her desk for some privacy and picked the call back up. "Are you okay? How are the others? Our buddy was on death's door after what happened...the old man okay?"

"They're good. We can fill you in when we see you." Sam sighed. "It's a real fucking mess with Stark...the other old man is in an undisclosed location getting his brain rewired. No idea how to fix this. You talk to Sarah?"

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