Little Steve Could Get It

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The following week was like something out of one of Nat's cheesy rom-coms. Waking up with lazy kisses, non-stop smiles, open affection. Sweet date nights and mundane errands. Simple, almost normal life. It was too good to be true, really. But what an amazing time it was while it lasted.

They were curled up on the couch, not really paying attention to the movie they had playing in the background, making out like teenagers until they heard the rumble of the Quinjet touch down.

They had turned off FRIDAY to have as much peace and quiet as possible, so they only had a rough ETA of when Nat was due home. Too comfortable to get off the couch, Steve tried to put himself back together as much as possible, knowing he would never hear the end of it if he looked disheveled from recently having sex on the kitchen counter, then trying to have more on the couch. Zoe, on the other hand, couldn't have cared less, fully prepared for the verbal assault she knew was coming.

"Honey, I'm home! Put your dick back in your pants, Rogers!" Nat called from the hallway. "Jesus, could you open a window in here? You knew I was coming home today!"

"Hi Nat!" Zoe called out from the couch, a slight flush still visible from their recent activities. "Whatever, I bleached the counter. Deal with the consequences of your matchmaking! How was your trip? Find anything useful?"

"Not a damn thing." The redhead plopped down on the couch next to her and tried not to laugh at Steve holding a pillow over his lap. "The farm is fine, he left half his arsenal, but he's completely off the radar...he'll turn up eventually." She smirked. "Obviously you two had fun while I was gone."

Nat had been privy to both sides of the story the entire time, from the frantic texts from Steve obsessing about the first date, to the phone coaching with Zoe about what to wear, she was probably more in tune with how they felt about each other then they were. She was so relieved and excited for them, especially since it gave her even more ammunition to taunt Steve.

"Yes, this week was great." Steve tried not to blush. "Thanks for all the moral support..."

"Yeah, and teaching him how to fuck properly." Zoe couldn't help herself, she loved making Steve blush almost as much as Nat did. "You should consider a career change as a sex therapist if you ever want to hang up the zap sticks."

"Glad to see all my hard work didn't go to waste, Rogers." Nat laughed, watching him turn purple. "Do we need to come up with a system? Sock on the door or whatever?"

"Ha! How about just closing doors?" Zoe chuckled, also basking in Steve's discomfort. "Or is that not enough? I'm sure there's some sort of protocols built into this place for soundproofing or whatever, right? Tony's too much of a freak not to..."

"FRIDAY?" Nat called out. "Are there any soundproofing functions we can use?"

"Yes, Miss Romanoff." The AI replied from the speaker in the ceiling. "You can activate numerous soundproofing functions in all rooms of the compound. Will you be needing this for confidentiality or privacy?"

"How about my sanity?" Nat chuckled. "Can I activate soundproofing in other people's rooms?"

"Of course, miss. All you need to do is ask. Shall I set it up?" The AI asked. "Which rooms will you be needing?"

"Zoe's room, please." Nat reported. "Think you two can contain yourselves to her room or do I need to set more?"

"That will be just fine, what do you think, Steve?" Zoe kissed his cheek and asked sweetly. "I think we should keep your room open in case you have a nightmare, that way we can get to you. Does that work?"

"Perfectly." He kissed the side of her head. "But what if we're in your room and Nat has a nightmare?"

"FRIDAY? Can we still hear outside the room if the soundproofing is activated?" Zoe asked into the air, still weirded out by talking to a building. "Is there a way we can do that?"

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