Chapter 62: The Kiss

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He had left Naomi to makeup and wardrobe assistants. It shouldn't worry him, but Kieran found himself wondering what they would do with the parameters he had given them. Since he knew that he would pace like a worried boyfriend if he didn't have something to do, Kieran took the time to check his camera. It did little to calm his raging nerves.

He never should have asked Naomi to come to his workplace. Kieran understood what flirting was, and let me prove you're beautiful ranked high on the list of things that counted as flirting. What had gotten into him? Why had he gone through with it?

Unfortunately, Kieran knew the answer to that, too. Because he thought Naomi was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Because he wanted her to understand that, too. And a few other reasons he didn't dare list.

Kieran had just laid down his cleaning tools when the call came.

"She's ready!" Vienna sounded too excited for it to have turned out badly.

"Thanks, Vienna, you guys can leave."

Kieran turned to look. His heart leaped into his throat.

A red dress swathed her lithe form, clinging just well enough to hint at every curve she had been hiding. The hem of the dress hung long, but not so long that Kieran overlooked her bare feet. Meticulously messy hair drew attention to her face and equally red lips. The girl padding toward him screamed elegance and effortless sex appeal.

He had always known that Naomi was beautiful. No one could look at her and think otherwise. Kieran hadn't realized how stunning she could be.

"Where has this girl been hiding?" The words fell from Kieran's lips before he could stop them.

Naomi ducked her head, as bashful as Kieran had ever seen her. "Are you sure this is appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate about it?"Kieran sized her up again and found nothing wrong.

"My shoulders," Naomi wrapped her arms up and covered her bare shoulders with her hands. "And it's red."

Kieran wasn't sure what kind of ridiculous junk someone had been filling Naomi's head with, but he did know that none of the things she said made sense. Kieran could somewhat understand the bare shoulders, but...

"What's wrong with red?"

"It's a little... bold. Attention-grabbing." Naomi finally looked up again, meeting Kieran's eyes to finish her explanation. "In a really bad way."

Now more than ever, Kieran wanted toprove to Naomi how wrong she was about so many things. He couldn't stand still any longer, so he marched forward to place himself at her side.

"First of all, you're stunning." Kieran planted a palm against the middle of Naomi's back to guide her toward the studio setup. "Secondly, red is just a color. It'show you portray yourself that matters, not what colors you do or don't wear."

"What if someone sees, though?"

Kieran chuckled as he led her onto the white background and settled her on a tall stool. "This is to prove a point to you, not other people."

Naomi made a face at him, one that said she didn't quite believe him. "You should have warned me that we were taking pictures."

"What else would we be doing at a photo studio?" Kieran shot her a wink and retreated out of her personal space. Just to give her a moment to settle in.

Naomi plucked awkwardly at the skirt draped over her legs. "I've never modeled before. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"That's why I'm here." Kieran turned away to blow out a breath. If his heart kept racing, he would never get through this. "You just relax and follow my lead, okay?"

Relax? Kieran couldn't make himself relax, let alone help Naomi to do the same. This time, he had done himself in. Had bitten off more than he could chew. But Kieran refused to admit defeat before he made his point to Naomi.

As he knew she would, Naomi remained tense and distracted. It didn't take a genius to realize she was out of her element in front of a camera. Yet, that only made Kieran want all the more to snap her photograph. No one else had ever seen her like this, and Kieran wanted to remember it forever.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Kieran asked.

Naomi nodded her head, but in her eyes trepidation still remained.

Kieran raised his camera, centering Naomi in the viewfinder. "Look at me."

Naomi did what he asked, her posture a bit stiff but usable. Kieran took the first photograph, a full-length shot, and then lowered his camera.

"It's just the two of us, Naomi. You can relax."

"The photos..."

"I promise I won't show anyone else but you." Kieran lifted the camera again. "Let's try again, okay?"

This time, he stepped closer, taking an upper body shot that he wouldn't soon regret.

Beep, click. Beep, click. A series of shots echoed through the studio in quick succession. And still, Naomi seemed uncomfortable. Kieran wanted to find the one shot that would live in infamy for both of them, the true essence of the woman he knew. He hadn't found it yet, but that didn't mean he would stop trying.

Kieran, thinking on his feet, grabbed a step-stool from nearby. "Let's switch things up a little, okay?"

"What do you mean?" Naomi sat taller still, watching Kieran's every move as if he might attack her.

Kieran set the stool in front of her and took a step up onto it. "Look up at me." Her stiff posture would be less noticeable from this angle.

Naomi raised her head, staring up at Kieran with that innocent look she often used when she didn't understand.

Kieran took a photo, double-checked it, and shook his head. Too much hair in her face. It weakened the look of her doe eyes.

Reaching out with one hand, Kieran plucked a strand of hair from in front of Naomi's eyes and smoothed it away from her face.

Naomi reacted by closing her eyes, allowing him to fix her hair.

That was the moment that Kieran found himself distracted. He hadn't lured her here to romance her, but with her eyes closed like she trusted him, how was Kieran supposed to resist?

His fingers released her hair in favor of ghosting along her jaw and cheek. His head lowered, and his lips found Naomi's supple and agreeable. Electricity sparked, sending a jolt through Kieran's body, straight to his heart. The kiss lasted mere seconds.

Kieran pulled away first, his eyes opening to the perfect just-kissed view. Naomi's eyes remained shut, her lips parted softly on a sigh.


Even had he tried, Kieran wouldn't have been able to resist taking the picture. She was too irresistible. His heart pounded too hard.

And his head finally admitted what Kieran had refused to accept. The kiss had made a believer out of him. He wouldn't have reacted so violently, wanted so badly, if he did not love Naomi Rowe, the little rich girl.

That was why this game had to end. Immediately.  

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