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                           Dedicated to TrvBz7

I wish I could love you, oh how I do,
But my heart is shattered, broken in two.
The pain of my past, still lingers inside,
Leaving me unable, to let love abide.
You're kind and you're caring, you're everything right,
But I can't seem to shake this terrible blight.
The wounds of the past, are just too deep,
And the thought of loving again, makes me weep.
I long for your touch, your embrace so warm,
But I fear that my heart, cannot weather the storm.
I wish I could love you, with all of my soul,
But my heart is too fragile, to be made whole.
So I'll just keep wishing, and dreaming of you,
And hope that someday, my heart will renew.
Until then, I'll love you from afar,
And pray that my broken heart, can heal and start anew.

thank you all for 100 views. 🥺
I really appreciate it♥️

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