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It just (when you read this it'll be an ancient thought) occurred to me that I actually own this book. I mean yeah I did know I own it but it hit me that I do Own This Masterpiece ( forgive me for being a delusional but hey isn't it? - also since y'all don't comment alot on this book I think the questions are rhetorical). Anyway, back to my ownership brag - since I came up with most of what you've read I've decided to write this and post it since , one, well I can and two, I needed somewhere to vent!!! Don't get me wrong I have like 6 outlets I can jot down what I'm thinking some which  have just one word or a line of an idea that slipped my mind and I'll be reading them months later wondering where I was going with a title 'dishes ' like c'mon I despise cooking. Anyway ( imma say this alot) what I'm tryna say is ... is... fuck my brain lagged.
Oh I want to take y'all through my writing journey as you can see I get sidetracked alot, get betrayed by my brain and think of multiple things at a time but then again don't we all. So I came across a video? (can't remember) about a writer's voice, inspiration, niche? yeah lots of complicated stuff that I hadn't thought about before and it got me thinking about myself and my pieces. I wouldn't say much about my voice cause y'know I think it's as feminine as it can get, teenage maybe? forgive thy tho ( ha that rhymed) but I was going for a neutral voice (my actual voice is awesome tho, trust me *wink*). I don't exactly know where I get my inspiration from because half of what I write is not from personal experience... I'm searching for that too imma tell y'all when I do ( won't! cause y'all don't care and to be honest I'll forget). Oh and my niche - heh wtf is that?!
So the other major reason I am writing this it's as a reminder of getting my first 500 reads and since I'm terrible with dates I wanna document this here for remembrance. Also it's a mark of a new chapter ( yeah I'm getting bored too) anyway I'm trying to start writing longer meaningful work. One that wont take y'all just seconds to finish. That will allow me to step out of my cocoon and spread my wings ( omg that's cliche). I hope when you read this your voodoo doll will be poked alive and you'll be manipulated by my words to go ahead and share my book. Like copy that link and send it to a friend who'd possibly open it. Make me a happy hooman hm?
Lastly,as it is every writer's dream I hope whatever I write makes you feel something or idk sticks with you for a little while ( omg I just had the craziest thought I'd be so honored? happy? if someone would read what I've ever written and they'd be like hmm listen to this and then... and then I'll be like that's awfully or beautifully written and they'll say you wrote it arghh!! ) enough of my delusions where was I? oh uhm if love is torturing you right now I'm sorry but it's your turn hun. And if you've watched Monster please spoil it for me I'm tired of the episodes.
Hope you stick around for what life has in store for us
( totally random are there people who are enthusiasts of life? like they dutifully love the duty of living?)
So I did a deep dive into the web ( t'was 5 seconds) and apparently a writers voice isn't what I said before. Mine is apparently a sad romantic girl. well there's a professional name for that but meh.
I'm starting to think I should do this more often but then I'd be writing a diary ? and I have a space for that and let's be honest it's not fun.
anyway ciao

I love yall

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