Peko Pekoyama

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Experiment#22 = Ice Link/Yuki-Onna Replica

Description of Experiment: Cool on the inside and outside, we took that personality to the extreme and made the subject be a replica of Yuki-Onna through an ice link. Blood as been injected with Liquid Nitrogen aspects little by little until subject was able to still operate and be alive with Liquid Nitrogen in her system, side effect is incredibly paling of the skin and frostbite at the elbows, fingers and corners of mouth but skin was enforced so limbs will not fall off, gave her a few more chemicals to enhance her abilities, side effects is slight glowing of the eyes and fast growth of nails. Subject is incredibly cold to the touch and if she's able to infiltrate one skin, she's able to freeze up the area.

History: Subject and project #23, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, were both taken by one of our assistants, further information is currently classified. Subject had been contained in separate cell while being still pumped with liquid nitrogen but while asleep one night, Junko decided to move Peko in the same cell as Kuzuryu and chain them together by the neck. When Peko woke up he was met by the newly experimented on project #23, relieved and horrified, Peko huddled the other close to her asking him if he was okay but stopped immediately when he said a set of words. "Who are you? You're cold." Peko didn't know what happened next apparently but with our observations, a fit of rage took over her and Kuzuryu being the nearest got the punishment for it and ended up with a frozen eye, which he cannot see anymore, Peko keeps apologizing to him every day as he's now scared to be in the same cell with her and she's incredibly over protective of him when Monokuma comes and checks up on them. Is incredibly hostile to anybody expect Kuzuryu.

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