Introduction :))

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        Hi Guys!! I'm the author, yall can call me 'silver chain' (specifically Oliver's :0).

this is a story specifically about you and Oliver Moy congrats!!

        So this story will contain Smut and fluff all that good stuff. I think that's everything. *WARNING: There will be swearing and fights as well just to warn you if you don't enjoy story's or FFs that go along the lines of that.

if I do make any writing mistakes feel free to correct me. be as mean or as nice as you'd like I want to make sure this story is amazing.


E/C means eye color

Y/N means your name

TEXT means going into a texting stage

POV means point of view 

F/F means favorite food

Now your probably tired of me blabbing on and on so now you guys can read chapter one!! :) 

Peace out 🤠💅🏾~

XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now