Chapter Three - Night till Morning

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WARNING: Nothing


You moved your body into the silky smooth sheets which smelt exactly like Oliver's cologne. 

Your thoughts circles back to the time when you bought him a 'Dior Sauvage ' cologne, as you remember that day you noticed the blue glass bottle on his burial. 

You smiled as you tucked your self into the king sized bed. 

"Y/N, if you ever feel like uncomfortable just wake me up, I'll kick Sebastian out of his room. he'll be fine on the couch." 

You giggled at the funny remark towards his brother and nodded your head in agreement.  

                   He snuggles in with you and got comfortable. 

He wasn't laying down though, he was sitting up with his MacBook sitting on his lap. 

'He looks so cute with his glasses on' 

you thought to yourself, he didn't notice you staring since he was typing away at his laptop and he had Air Pods in as well.

 "Oliver...Its cold in your room. Can I turn off the AC?" 

Oliver didn't hear you at all, so you shoved him a bit, he still didn't move so you took out one of his white Air pods and asked the question again. 

"Oh...well I'm hot. Just get closer." 

You moved closer to him and he moved in closer to you, putting his arm around you rubbing your back soothingly. 

"Just go to sleep okay, I have a surprise for you tomorrow." 

He smiled as he whispered into your head before kissing it. sending you to dream land.

TIME SKIP - The Next Day

Y/N's POV:

I woke up from my beauty sleep hoping that Oli would be next to me,  but he wasn't. 

So I fell back to sleep for a while more until I decided to wake up and get ready for the day. 

It took me a while to figure out what to wear but ended up with something comfortable but cute.  

^ You decided to go with this (if you don't like it you can totally change it) 

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^ You decided to go with this (if you don't like it you can totally change it) 

I walked down stairs in my Hello Kitty socks, sliding across the white floor I walked on.

 "Good Morning Y/N!" 

Oliver yelled from the kitchen. I said 'Good morning ' back before sitting myself on the couch. Justin and Ryan had already been awake and were on there phones. 

"Y/N so are you in college?" 

I looked up from my phone, "uh, yeah. I'm on my break right now actually." Ryan nodded and smiled

" Yeah, no one in NSB is in college. All drop outs." 

Justin then looked up from his phone and joined into the mini convo

" Where did you live?" He added.

 "I live in Florida. Born and raised." 

Justin just nodded at the information and went back on his phone so I did the same.

"Guys, can yall call down the boys. Breakfast is ready." 

Oliver said before sitting down a few plates on the huge table. I got up from the comfy couch and walked upstairs to Sebastian's room, knocking on it twice before it opened.

 "Oh hey Y/N. Breakfast ready?" 

He had his tooth brush still in his mouth, a little residue of toothpaste on the corner of his mouth

" Oh, yea Oliver cooked breakfast." 

Sebastian then disappeared and came back with a shirt on. we both then walked downstairs to eat with the rest of the member's. I put my hand in my right pocket looking for my phone but it wasn't there. I was soon going to find out.

"Y/N its your mom." Oliver said passing me the warm piece of technology.


I wonder what your mom could want from you?? 🤭🤨

XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now