Chapter One - Seeing him again

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WARNING: Bad Words ( I think that's all)


She has always been there with him. 

From middle school, all the way to cringey musical lines. 

Y/N and Oliver, together ever since. They were irresistibly, just friends. 

All they wanted to be and they were.

Y/N saw Oliver go through breakups, relationships, and hookups. And Oliver saw Y/N mostly go through crushes and heartbreaks. 

 Always there to emotionally and physically help each other through everything. Best friends for life, always there for one another. 

But that all changed when Oliver had the miraculous idea to start an Asian American content group, not in their suburban city in Florida but in LA.

Y/N tried to convince him that starting it where they grew up would be amazing as well and they wouldn't have to leave home, but Oliver had bigger dreams than just a small sing along at the local bar. 

He was thinking about billboards, and sold out concert tickets. Something he just couldn't reach where he was.

So since you had to support his dreams you allowed him to leave, with a long hug and two plane tickets. Oliver left for LA with his younger brother, Sebastian. 

And you didn't see either of them much after that.


After putting on my 'Ultra hydrating coconut face mask' I crawled in bed and scrolled through every one of my feeds.

 First Insta, then snap, and lastly Tiktok. 

My thumb uncontrollably liked and moved videos up so that my eyes can adjust to the very next that came up. 

The scrolling was endless and it would have never stopped if I hadn't gotten a message from a certain someone.


Oli <3:

Hi, Hru?


Good? 🤨

It was Oliver Moy. it was weird though, he had never texted me at all these past few months, but out of no where decides to text me at 11:00 at night. 

I thought he'd be way too busy to talk to me


Oli <3:

What?? I just missed you



Me too ig

We talked for a while catching up and stuff.

 It felt really nice to talk to someone so similar to me for once in such a long time, after going to a university in Florida I was met with so many diverse kids that it was hard for me to find a friend. 

As we talked, he told me about how amazing his group of men were and that it was amazing in LA. I also noticed the small little hints of how badly he wanted me there with him without him actually saying so, until he did. 

in a way. 

I rubbed my eyes as I looked at the link that took me a to PDF of a plane ticket. 

"what the-" 

my thoughts escaped my lips as I looked at the flight and saw it was from Miami, FL to LA.

Almost choking on my spit I typed back to him, thanking him for this. 

You were finally gonna be able to see your very best friend. 

You went into your bathroom, took off your face mask and went to bed. 

Not being able to sleep because your thoughts continued thinking about the following week you'd see him. 


Author Notes:

sorry if you guys don't like short chapters but i tried lol! hopefully you guys like it frends

XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now