Chapter Four - All About Mother

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WARNING: Bringing up the past, Bad words, Talk about divorce.



"Hello?" My mother's soft voice could be heard through the phone. My breath hitched a little, she hasn't called me in a very long time. 

"Hi Mom, Why did you call?"

 she let out a loud sigh

"Just checking up on you, Natalia told me that you were visiting Oliver. How is he?" 

You moved toward the dark hallway of the house, putting a hand over your other ear to block the noises of the loud men. 

"He's good, living the dream here in California."

So that's why she called me, because Natalia, Oliver's mother, had reminded her that she had a daughter to check up on. 

"Have you heard about Dad, he's in the hospital in Tampa Bay. he had a heart attack a few weeks ago, thought maybe you should know." 

My mom chuckled before talking

 " Honey understand this, your dad is probably fine. they have him on so much medication that he'll live. I mean, after the divorce he's just been trying to grab your attention. he's always had heart problems.

She laughed again as I clenched my teeth. She was so selfish, she didn't care about her daughter's health, life, and father. She changed. I still loved her though. even if she didn't love me. 

I hung up as soon as possible. 

no goodbye.

"Y/N Are you okay?'' 

Oliver said whispering a bit, walking towards me in the dark hallway.

"it was just my mom. asking how I was and shit." 

I smiled to make sure he believed I was okay, but to be honest I wasn't. "Okay, if anything happens talk to me about it." 

Oliver smiled, giving me butterflies? I didn't know why though he was just a childhood friend, a companion, a crush?

"So, I don't know if you heard me but I wanted to take you somewhere special. I wanted to make up for leaving you on delivered all of those nights and never visiting you at all." 

Oli took my hand and sat me down on one of the stools that stood at the island table. 

" I was thinking we should go to Go Kart World together and after get some boba." 

I giggled and nodded in approval of the things we would be doing today. He smiled brightly like an excited child.

"Okay good. You should change into something else though, it's hot outside. Wouldn't want you to melt" 

He took off his black LA cap and put it on my head before jogging up the stairs to his room.


You decided to follow Oli's advice and change into a comfy dress to match the weather.

^ This is the outfit you chose (if you don't like it you can definitely change it) :)

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^ This is the outfit you chose (if you don't like it you can definitely change it) :)

"Y/N you ready?" 

I walked down the stairs to see her in a really pretty dress, she looked gorgeous. the orange color brought out her skin color and made her eyes brighter in a way. 

"Yeah, I'm ready. Are you driving or am I?"

 She whipped her head around looking for her purse, her hair flipped back and forth while she looked for the small handbag. 

"i think you left it in the car when we came here, and I'll be driving us there."

We walked through the door and outside to the extremely hot weather. I was wearing black shorts and a white tee shirt, but I was still very hot. 

It seemed like Y/N was feeling the same since there was already sweat running down her forehead as we walked to the car.

"Ladies first." 

I said opening the door for her. I had always done something like this when we were in our freshman year. I always flirted with her in a very friendly way, but I wanted to change that. 

For some reason ever since I've hugged her in the airport I wanna become more than friends. 

I can't believe I haven't asked Y/N out when I had the chance in Florida, she could've been famous too. But I was selfish. I'll make it up to her. 

I ran back inside the house to grab my wallet and when I came back Y/N had her hand over her mouth and her phone up to her ear. Hot tears were running down her delicate face.

"Are you okay Y/N?"


This chapter is a little short but, what do yall think happened to Y/N?! 😱

But anyways hope yall have an amazing day, I'll try to post chapter five as soon as possible.

XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now