Chapter Eight Part ii - "Leaving Already?"

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WARNINGS:  Swearing, Gaslighting and Manipulation



I rang the doorbell. The metal, a cold touch to my finger tip.

I held  Y/N's gift in my hand and sighed before smiling. My dimples peeking at the corners of my lips.

Ty Opened the door and welcomed me in. I already knew the familiar home so i walked myself to the living room and sat down waiting for Oliver or Y/N to come downstairs.

Y/N found herself with me first.

"Oh hey babe's Here, I brought you a present."

She smiled a noticeably fake smile and took it. She sat beside me and looked inside.

"Ya know, i'm so sorry for everything that's happened to you and Oliver."

"Oh...I've actually been wanting this perfume for a while now."

She didn't acknowledge my apology,

 but this time she actually smiled. She looked at me.

"Thank you so much.  i didnt think you were actually sorry for anything."

"Of course I am. I was just trying to help both you and oliver. I'm not supposed to tell you this but, he wanted me to kiss you to get you jealous just so that you could notice him."

She immediately blushed and looked back down at the perfume sitting on her lap.

"well it didn't really work as well." 

I giggled and she did as well.

"if you want i can help you with Oliver. Ya know i was his ex. I know about his romantic side." 

Y/N looked up and nodded her head.

she looked like a stray puppy being offered food after years. Her eyes glistened.

"Yes. Help me please. I'm so stuck onto this man, I need help."

She then noticed what she said hiding her face in her hands laughing at herself.

"It's okay. I'll help you. First: you need to look good. Right now you look like you came from a dumpster girly."

She looked at her clothing before getting her crutches to stand.

"Let's look into my suitcase to see what i've got."

I got up and followed her to Oliver's room. Oliver was sitting at his desk working on music in pijamas.

It reminded me when i'd sit on his lap as he'd play with my hair. we wouldn't say a word, all you would hear are his finger's typing and his mouse gliding across his desk.

I Looked at him mesmerising his perfect body, jawline, and hair.

"So my clothes are in this bag, you can just pick something out for me." 

I came back to reality and nodded my head. I bent down on my knees and picked out a sexy outfit for Y/N. 

It hurt me to know it would look so good on her, and she will get all the attention. But I had to go with the plan.



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XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now