Chapter Five - Closer Already

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Warnings: Bad Words, Kissing, Talk about death 


Sadness. A big salty wave drowns you, pushing you towards the sandy pits of the ocean. sadness felt like that. Y/N felt the emotional wave pass over her, pushing her deep into the palms of her hands, she cried like a baby. 

Her eyes were all puffy and red, and tears stained her face. Oliver didn't know what to do, but he stopped the car in a parking lot of a vacant store and rubbed her back as she cried rivers, lakes, and oceans.

"Y/N! Hey, hey its okay, your okay."

she shook her head 'no' at the attempt to make her feel better. She uncovered her face to show the running mascara. she was a hot mess. "Oliver it's not okay, it's not gonna be okay... he's gone Oli, he's gone." her voice cracked and she continued to cry again her head almost reaching her lap as she tried to hide from Oliver, her tears, the world.

"Y/N Talk to me, please. What's wrong? Did I do something? Did the guys do something??" Y/N moved her head upwards and leaned it against the head of the chair and sighed, " No Oli it isn't your fault nor the boys..." She began to tear up again

" My father...The hospital just called me... he's dead. They said he had another heart attack." 

Oliver looked away taking in the news. He was pretty close to Y/Ns father since her mother was always away, and her father was always with Y/N whenever she'd come over. "I'm so sorry Y/N. What can I do to help you?" he looked at Y/N with pleading eyes, his smile not showing anymore. He was serious.

"Can we just go, go karting. I'm tired and I need to take my mind off of this." Oliver didn't need to hear her twice before he started up the car and began driving off to Go Kart World.

"Ya know I'm sorry for bringing you such drama on only my second day here with you." Y/N looked down at her lap now feeling the embarrassment she should have felt when crying 

"Its fine. things happen. What you are going through right now is an okay time for you to cry." Oliver looked at her for a second, her mascara was still runny and her nose and eyes were red and puffy.

" You look pretty even when you cry." 

Y/N giggle softly and whispered a 'Thank you' to him, blushing at the comment. 


At least 100 miles per hour you zoomed past Oliver again and again. Your hair flowed in the wind under your helmet as you drove your anger away. Oliver and you were laughing historically at all of the trash talking you talked when you'd pass him in the large circle

                        "EAT MY DUST OLI!!" You said laughing after. your wheels creating smoke as you drifted to make the tight turn. 


Oliver didn't hear what you had said and was blushing at what he had thought you had said. 

You were already getting out of your blue kart and taking of your helmet .

 "Wow, that was so much fun. Thank you olipop." 

You said hugging him as soon as he stood up from the tiny green kart. 

"Your welcome Y/N."  

He chuckled at the funny nickname that brought really nice memories to his mind of when Y/N would call him that all the time.  

As soon as both of them left they raced to the black car in the parking lot, the sun was just setting over the horizon as they drove to find some food.

"so i was thinking sushi, and boba." Oliver then looked at her and leaned in and puckered his lips in a silly manner, but he wouldn't have minded if she had leaned into a kiss as well, "Sure. Why are you looking at me like that??" Y/N pushed his face away playfully and blushed. 

"What you don't wanna kiss on our first date?"

 Y/N Laughed quietly and looked at her lap for a second before looking back up to face him

" I mean if your up for it." 

Oliver quickly looked back but was interrupted by a honk behind him so he kept his eyes on the rode instead of having them glued to the gorgeous lady right beside him. 

"Its not if I'm up for it, its if you want to kiss me right now Y/N."

"kiss me then. Only this time though." Oliver didn't need to answer her question, he knew that she knew what he would say. He parked into a space on the highway and unbuckled his seat belt to get closer to Y/N.

 "I'm gonna do it now..." 

He warned her before pressing his soft lips against Y/Ns plump ones. 

The small kiss soon became heated, Y/Ns hand on the back of Oliver's head and Oliver's hand roaming Y/N's thighs and waist, it soon became sloppy their lips slipping against each other, Oliver's tongue in Y/Ns sweet mouth. 

Then she let go of him.

"Okay...that's enough." she paused while staring into his needy eyes," I cant be kissing my best friend Oliver." he nodded, looked back on the road and they drove home. 

Silently they drove back home.


This was kind of a long chapter?? But why did Y/N stop???? 😭😭😭

XOXO - Oliver Moy x Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now