The last Heist

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We drive away from race wars in a hurry Zee and I are in my charger Dom told me to meet him at the house so I could drop my charger off. We drop the charger off and Zee and I get in the backseat of Dom's car. "You really clocked that guy good back there Letty..maybe you could give Zee some pointers" I say then Zee punches me in the arm and I laugh. "She can handle herself did you see those skanks after Nikki and Zee where done with them" Letty says. "No" "those bitches where black and blue" Letty says laughing. "Dom..what's going to happen with Jesse?" I ask. "I don't know..Jesse is going to have too take responsibility for his actions..I cant take care of him anymore" Dom says. We pull to the secret garage and get out and uncover the black cars. "I don't think we should be doing this without Jesse..I have a bad feeling" Letty says as Dom lifts her up and kisses her."Dom this doesn't feel right" Leon says "Guys stop it..this is the mother load we have been on for three months after this we can take a long vacation" Dom says. Zee and I get in our own car together Vince and Leon get in the same car and Dom has his own car and Letty has her own car. We drive off and get on the highway Zee turns the radio on Party up by Dmx comes on and we drive. Dom and the team are a ways ahead of me and a group of cars get in front of us and slams on their brakes to make us stop I take a sharp turn and start driving in the desert. After about thirty minutes my radio goes off its Dom. "Where are you?" he asks "We are being chased in the desert by the English man and his men". "Vince is trapped on the truck Ill be there as soon as I can" then he turns to static. "Take the wheel" I say to Zee. "Turn back towards the highway" I tell her. I pull out my gun that Brian gave me and start shooting out the sun roof. I aim for there tires causing them to flip. I manage to take out the three men but the English man I couldn't get. I shoot a whole clip in the hood and his car starts smoking and stops. I reload the gun as we get back on the highway. "Hurry we need to catch up and help them" I say. We pass Letty's car flipped over and Leon running over to help. We catch up to the truck to see Brian getting ready to jump on the truck to help Vince who has the wire from the the cross bow wrapped around his arm. I see that the driver has a shotgun so Zee pulls on the other side and I start shooting at the driver. I hit his arm and he swerves the truck into the car causing Zee to loose control of the car I sit down and the car flips three times and where off the road. I see that Vince is free and Brian pulls over. Nikki comes running up and pulls me out my arm hurts and my head hurts and Zee is unconscious. Nikki pulls me out of the car and it catches on fire. "Zee!" I scream as Nikki runs over and pulls her out. BOOM! the car explodes causing Nikki to fall with Zee. Leon runs over and picks up Zee and Nikki comes over and helps me up I put my arm around her to keep me stable as we cross the road. Leon puts Zee in the car with Letty and we walk over to Dom,Brian, Mia and Vince. Brian is on the phone "This is officer Brian O'Connor I'm off duty MAPD my twenty is just off of highway 86 I got one trauma victim about 24 years of age the victim has deep lacerations to his arm and alterial bleeding ". Brian says as Dom stares at him like he would snap his neck in any second. "Oh my gosh he is going into shock" Brian says to the person on the phone as Vince starts to shake violently. Once the helicopter comes we walk up to the car Mia hesitates and Dom has too yell for her. I get in the back next to Letty and Zee Mia gently sits on my lap and Nikki has too sit on Leon's lap in the passenger seat because there is no room. Once we get home they take us inside Mia and Nikki work on Letty and Zee. Letty just has a few cuts and scrapes, Zee is still unconscious. And Dom and Leon work on me, Dom gives me his belt to bite down on because he is going to pop my shoulder back into place."One, Two, Three" Dom says then POP! I scream in pain but only for a second. They lay me down on the couch bed and clean my head wound. A few minutes later they use some smelling sauce from the first aid kit to wake up Zee. She wakes up right away and we all sit and take a break.

Suddenly Dawn comes down the stairs "Hey guys". "How long have you been here?" Dom asks. "Since race wars" Dawn says. Dom throws me. his phone knowing exactly what he wants me to do I call Katie. "Hey its Jay yea Dawn is here" I say "What! Ugh I'm so sick of her Ill be right over" she says as we hang up. Katie comes in a few minutes later "That is it I'm so sick of this something needs to be done with her" Katie says "Yay Military school" I say jokingly. Dawn shoots me a look she knows I was joking but she didn't want to give them any ideas. "I have a better idea" Dom says as he throws a Radford University brochure on the table. "I think that's a great idea" Katie says. "Leon take Dawn home pack her things and take her is some money and tuition money" Dom says. "What! Radford is in Virginia..halfway across the United States" Dawn says. Leon has too literally drag her into his car. "I got to go find Jesse before Tran does" Dom says "I'm coming with you" I say "No I need you here to protect the girls they are hurt and if anybody shows up kill them" Dom says. He walks in his room and grabs a shotgun and walks outside. I her yelling So Zee,Nikki,Mia and I run outside. "No more running Dom" Brian says "I'm not running!" Dom screams. "Where is Letty and Leon?" Brian asks "There long gone" Dom yells back. "Then its over..I didn't call the police but don't push me..put the gun down" Brian yells "Your the are a cop..Brian I gotto find Jesse before they do I'm all the kids got" Dom says. "Ill call in the plates the PD will pick him up way before Tran gets near him" Brian says. "Dom stop its over" Mia yells Then Jesse pulls up Dom and Brian stays at Brian's car I'm running down the driveway, Mia and Nikki are still on the porch Zee is standing in the front yard. "Dominic I am so sorry I don't know what I'm doing Dom I'm so scared right now" Jesse yells "What where you thinking man" Dom says as we hear dirt bikes coming up. We all look over to see two dirtbikes with machine guns. Zee drops to the ground while Mia and Nikki take cover on the porch. They start shooting up the hose Dom crawls through the yard to Jesse I crawl behind him and get on top of Zee to shield her from the bullets. I get hit in the side and Jesse got hit so many times I know he is dead. Dom holds Jesse for a few moments till Zee sees that I am hit. "Jay has been hit" she yells Brian Nikki and Mia and Dom run over. I gurgle out blood and Dom takes me inside Brian stays outside thank God because Letty is still on the couch with Katie. Dom sets me on the Kitchen table. "Go!" I say "I love you Jay don't you ever forget that" he says as he runs out the door and him and Brian drive after the men.

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