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"What the hell just happened?" Zee asks looking at me confused I swerve left passing a car and swerving back into the right lane. "I couldn't stay there anymore I wish you would have stayed with them they loved you and you aren't safe with me" I say trying to stay focused on driving and not my emotions that are flooding in. "The only place I want to be is in the passenger seat next to you in this charger, I don't agree with how you handled that. They are your family Jay and that was not the way you should have left" she says. I look at her as she looks at me feeling all the pain that I have because it was bad I realize that now. "It was the only way they would have let us go" I say as a tear rolls down my face. "I need a cigarette" I say as I turn off the exit.

We pull into a gas station Zee pumps the gas as I go in and pay for the gas, get some snacks, and buy some Cigs. "Umm Marlboro Menthols please" I say to the lady at the register. I walk out of the store I look at Zee she is leaning against the car with her back to me on the phone I stand there and listen. "Mia I cant talk him into coming back, he is dead set on his choice and I am sticking with his choice even if its wrong" Zee says. "I don't know where we are going and no offence If I did know I wouldn't tell you because Dom would try to find us" she says . "I'm sorry Mia, If I don't see you again it was nice knowing you" she says then hangs up the phone . She breaks the phone in half and throws it in the trash can. I walk up next to her "Oh hey, how much of that did you hear" she says "Enough to know I have an amazing girlfriend" I say then I start kissing her on her neck.

Driving for so long was crazy but hey I love spending time with Zee, I love her so much its crazy. We just past Orlando as Zee changes the CD to Eminem. I look at her and smile want to take a break I say wiggling my eyebrows. "You are so romantic" she says sarcastically "What?!" I say confused "ever since we have been on the run there's no romance just sex" she says crossing her arms and stareing out the window. "What the hell do you expect oh there's people shooting at us lets go have a picnic, DAMN" I say and I drive faster. I stare at the road what am I suppose to do what does she want from me. I pull out a cigarette "Can I have a lighter" I say she hands me a lighter from her pocket without a word. I hand her back the lighter as she pulls out a cigarette for herself and lighting it. "I'm not asking for a picnic, but it doesn't always have too be about sex, don't get me wrong I love sex. Maybe you could woe me some or something" she says between puffs. "You want me to woe you" I say smiling at her "Don't look at me like that you know what I mean" she says. 'Oh, I know what you mean, you want me to woe you" I say I throw my cigarette out the window then I start tickling her. "Stop making fun of me" she says laughing I quickly pull over and I climb over to her and start tickling her more "Stop it" she says with uncontrollable laughter. "But I am woeing you" I say in a cute voice "I hate you so much" she says smiling a then kisses me hard. I lay back pulling her on top of me. "See if only you could be like this all the time" she says winking at me. "Oh you want more tickling" I say as I start tickling her sides . "Babe .... Stop .....It" she says between laughing. "I'm woeing you" I say laughing she takes her shirt off revealing her red and black bra. "Did I mention I hate you" she says smiling "Yea I think you mentioned that before" I say as she leans down and kisses me.

"Finally we are here" Zee says as we pull on our exit  I pull into the first hotel we see its One in the morning and we are both tired. I get a room as Zee unpacks the car We walk into the room 235 I plop on the bed as Zee gets in the shower. My phone beeps its a text "Jay that was uncalled for you hurt us and that was unacceptable, you will get yours -Letty" it says. I smash the phone and throw it in the trash I undress and walk into the bathroom. Zee is sitting in the huge jet tub with headphones in her ear connected to her Zune. I get in the tub slowly because its hot but finally I sit on the other side of it lay my head back and relax.


I sit on the couch of my parents old cabin looking at the ceiling trying to recount the other days events. I don't know what I did wrong, I know I am not his father but I thought he thought of me as the closest thing too it. And Zee just stood there I guess in shock I have no idea but she loves him I know that but there's always that line that someone shouldn't cross and Jay did. "Get out Brian" Mia yells chaseing Brian out of the living room. "I'm sick of the lies, who knows maybe you are still a cop and are still spying on us" she yells. "Mia I swear" "Save it Brian , my sister said get out so get out, We don't want your drama around here. I really appreciate you helping us but Jay was right you betrayed us your the cop" I say. "If that's how you guys feel" he says then walks out of the door Mia walks back into the kitchen with Letty who is just finishing a text then slips her phone into her pocket.



Well where should I start Zee and I broke up yea I know shocker there after what I did to Dom things where different I still love her but I let her have her space to see other people and what not. I have been working for a man called Carter Verone I am a driver for him he pays top dollar so what the hell. His woman and I have been secretly together for a while now her name is Monica she's a beautiful brunette. She is so good at sneaking around its like it never happened but if Verone ever found out I would be dead. I change to fifth gear the cops are right on my ass I turn right on a dirt road. There is a swamp to my left and on my right its trees. My car bounces up and down from all the bumps, Shit a dead end. Good thing its not my car I hit the NOS and go up a small dirt pile I cross my fingers, waiting to see the ground is killing me. Finally I see the ground and land with a bounce. The cops are gone they must not have wanted to jump that. I pull on a near by dirt road and head for the destination, the sooner I drop these drugs off the better.

I pull into my small one bedroom trailer home, I just dropped the HOT car off at the destination with the drugs in it. Walked to a diner near by and waited for one of Verone's men to pick me up and take me to my charger. I walk into the door to see Brian and another guy sitting on my couch I pull out my gun and point it at Brian. "What the Fuck do you want PIG" I say "Oh yea Brian you sure know how to pick em, I'm out If you want to shoot his stupid ass shoot him cause I'm out" The guy says standing up. "Sit down Roman" Another guy says walking into the room "Hello Jason, the only reason we are here is because Brian and" He is cut off Monica walks in from the bathroom "Brian and I trust you and we need your help" Monica says. "Wait a second, your a cop?" I ask "Yes, I have been undercover this whole time" Monica says. My eyes widen trying to take all this in "Am I the only person in this room who is not a cop" I say. Roman raises his hand "I'm not" he says "oh great, I need a drink, anyone else?" I say walking to my kitchen. Roman raises his hand again "I do". "Ok who is this dude" I say annoyed. "An old friend" Brian speaks up as I grab a bottle of rum and then a beer for Roman. I hand it to him as I pop the cap off of my bottle I look between them then I take a long chug. "Ok so what's this about?" I say calmly with minimal facial expression. "We need your help taking down Verone" Monica says sitting down on the arm of the couch next to Brian. I sigh deeply having an idea how this is going to end. "What's in it for me?" I ask trying to stay calm as Monica and Brian make gew gew eyes at each other.   

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