III ~ Gold

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Gold is my colour.
Or so I have always thought.
I will continue to immerse myself 
In that naive knowledge,
Till you reveal it all.
But won't that be a while?
Because you'd rather be the shadow,
Than the sun... 


"This is outrage.", she heard some royalty say aloud from behind her. Not that she cared, but she had a specific distaste for people of his likeness. 

She got up from in front of the dead assassin - yet another - and turned around to spot the voice with the heavy timbre whose arrogance matched with the rest of the undertones that lined his voice, but her annoyance for him probably did not. 

It was a bright-complexioned bearded man who, by usual standards, could possibly be tagged as good-looking - although, nowhere near to being a devastating beauty like Krishna or his newfound male friend - who looked at her with brown eyes alight with equal measures of bewilderment and fright. He was possibly frightened of the mystery that she posed. Frightened of the unknown. Like most others. 

Her eyes fixated on the hand that was placed in a supportive gesture on his shoulder and the mild golden tint that she could actually see being radiated off of his skin. She quickly scanned the man. Fair complexion, which gave away his identity through the slight golden glow rather quickly, clad in the colour of the sky. If this was not proof enough, then his evident handsomeness, quite uniquely synonymous to the Pandava brothers, was. 

There were six demi-gods in this room. Not five. She frowned. There was, evidently, some error in calculation. 

She quickly returned her focus to the other man in question, following her moment-long detour, and asked him in her usual formal tone, "Your name, please?"

The man in lilac, almost snorted, then stuttered, and finally said, "I am Prince Duryodhana, heir of the Land of the Kurus that you stand upon." 

Her face remained smooth as she replied, "Greetings, Prince. If I must point out, there has been some lapse of judgment on your part -  you are no heir of these lands. Be proud, because if you were, I would have unhesitantly pointed my finger at you for such a serious breach in security that threatened the life of one of your guests."

She did not even wait for the Prince's reaction, as she excused herself from the scene and walked away to the end of the hall where she had previously seen the Pandavas standing. It felt like the only place she could seek haven at after this entire drama. 

The warrior in white, whose dark crimson eyes hardly ever strayed from her during this entire evening, stood next to her in no time, but only after giving out orders to the royal guards to clean out the mess. 

"Quite the mess you made, Princess.", he commented, smirking at her, as she continued to glance at the odd demi-god. However, his eyes soon tracked her gaze. 

"He interests you?", his voice betrayed no emotion. 

Her lips curled in a smirk without her deliberate attempt, as she glanced at him sideways and noticed the slightest tick of his jaw.

"With the fact that he is a demi-god - yes, he does.", she answered calmly, in a voice lighter than a feather, but the statement struck even four of the five eavesdroppers with enough shock for one of them to almost choke on his drink.

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