XXIV ~ Burgundy

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Twilight has never been so dark,
So deliciously electrifying,
And neither has the midnight of your eyes
Ever been so damning,
So alive. So impossibly beautiful.
Neither has a wait ever been so long.
But the burgundy of this evening,
Of my eyes,
Is the nemesis of that
Excruciating wait.
Oh, it will be so excruciatingly sweet.

He could not sit, he could not pace. He could not relax a single muscle. Because if he did, he would certainly pounce on some innocent creature of the forest like some unhinged predator.

That is how he felt within. Like an absolutely unhinged predator, parched for blood. Dying for a taste of her. Oh, he would devour her when he laid his hands on her-

His muscles strung impossibly taut suddenly as the air shifted and then thickened with her fragrance.

"Will my apologies be accepted for the tardiness?", her voice sounded like mist to him, as if it could just disappear in the air and he would not even be able to touch it. As if this was but a fragment of his imaginations, his torturous imaginations that had run rampant for all the days that he could not see her, touch her, smell her.

The veins in his arms tensed to the surface, the usual dark crimson of his eyes darkening almost to burgundy. He did not say a word. He could not. How could he when all he wanted to do was lunge at her, draw her into his embrace and devour her till they were but one and nothing and no one could ever put even a hair's width between them?

The fabric of her attire rustled against the leaves that littered the forest floor, her silhouette almost ghostly in the fading pink and purple of twilight. The red of her clothes mixed with the dying hue of the light to form an enchanting burgundy. There was something so wild and passionate and insane about that colour. Her silhouette, his eyes.

He could not take his eyes off of her.

He could smell the blood on her from all this distance, and it enraged him, overjoyed him. Relief, pride and freedom flooded his veins as he finally unlocked enough muscles to leave his mock-relaxed stance against the vine-laced trunk of a tree, and he stood up, still not daring to take a single step forward. His eyes found hers and held her captive. She could barely breathe as she spoke in a single breath, "I hope there is a waterbody somewhere close."

His eyes narrowed. Playing around is not what she should have chosen to do now.

"Lead the way, Princess. I am certain you can hear the gurgling of the stream just as clear as I can.", his voice sounded impossibly low and rough with a flood of emotions.

Blood rushed right up her neck and burned her cheeks, till even the tips of her ears and nose tingled. That was what he could do to her with just two sentences of absolutely nothing. Oh, his voice. She had truly missed the physical timbre of it, the way it seemed to skitter across her skin and send liquid fire racing down her spine. The way it made her want to run towards and away from him at the same time, and see how he caught her in either case.

She simply nodded and silently followed the sound of the stream, deeper and deeper still into the woods. The forest looked and smelled and sounded almost otherworldly to her heightened senses. Too many sounds to count and name, too many smells, too many beautiful little details that her eyes captured and registered to memory.

But it was the larger-than-life presence right behind her that clouded her senses, her mind and even sent her heart stuttering every few beats. He loomed a few steps behind her like a predator of blood and darkness, like an entity ready and dying to consume her till nothing was left of her. And despite how depraved that might sound in her head, that was all she wanted in the moment.

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