XI ~ Frost

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Amongst all our fiery scarlet,
I supposed it was only fair
That I let you see my soul,
Just like you had touched it,
And all you saw was
An eternally doused flame.
A freezing white -
An unrelenting frost.


"I should definitely be concerned that you have new, untouched female clothing in your quarters.", she kept a smooth face as her eyes carefully examined the silk-and-tulle set that resembled none but her dressing pattern. How very odd.

"And you do not find this concerning that all these match the dressing style of none but you?", he asked, his hands still roaming whatever part of her skin was left uncovered by the satin bathing gown, and his eyes scanning the one side of his closet room that was taken up by clothing for her.

"That too.", she replied, finally picking up the turquoise silk-and-tulle set that she was examining, and placing a little part of the fabric against the skin of her hand to finalize the colour-fit.

"Well, the first night I brought you here, my lack of necessity of sleep drove me to the royal seamstress for some while.", he said, smirking, while taking the expanse of fine fabric from her hands.

"Untie.", he instructed with a tone of finality before she could ask further questions, gesturing at the ribbon at the waist of the bathing gown.

She frowned, before hiding a growing smirk. Her fingers slowly travelled to the knot at one side of the waistband and started undoing the knot in a tantalizing pace, her adroit fingers never fumbling for once.

"Princess.", he warned as his eyes darkened and his voice deepened. His hot hand immediately caught hers in a vice-like grip.

"No. You can barely walk properly, as it is. And then you wear these heels outside that the other girls will run away screaming and crying from, despite the fact that you are infact the tallest woman out here. Now, I love how they fit you and just how tantalizing they make your every step look. Do not give yourself even more of a reason to not be able to walk in them today.", his voice was on the brink of the ledge, falling into that maelstrom of desire that had consumed them the entire night.

Her bottom lip puckered up in a fake but achingly adorable pout and he felt like the ice shard that he called his heart could actually melt into a puddle of warmth right then and there.

It was in that moment that he realized, all over again, that only a woman of her strength and calibre could possible have made her home within that shard of unyielding ice, and then begun to rule it all, too.

His finger pressed the centre of her naturally crimson-tinted lip, the bruises of love on it, or anywhere else in or on her body, already healed by the half portion of gold that flowed in her blood.

He pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, and her pout morphed into a sweet smile - a very rare sight on her stunning face.

"Come on. Let us get you dressed.", he said with an overwhelming amount of gentleness in his voice, as he himself peeled the bathing robe off of her to expose the sheer glory that he had already claimed as his.


The ivory of his attire contrasted against his skin like pearls on onyx, or basalt on marble. She kissed the expanse of tan skin of his shoulder before placing the ornate fabric on it.

"You know, all my life for all intents and purposes, I have been accused of coldness, of a sheer lack of emotions. I am not one of those dainty princesses whose huge doe eyes would shimmer with a sheen of unshed tears whenever someone so much as gives them a look of disapproval, before briney pearls roll down their fair cheeks making them somehow look so gently pretty.", she spoke in a voice that almost sounded like a wondrous sigh, a both of them shared mirror-space, putting their jewelries on.

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