X ~ Scarlet

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You were a fire
Burning as hot as my wildness.
And caught in your throes
I burnt just as bright,
As clear and messed,
As clen and charred.
In the end, our scars were
Equally scarlet.


"That was improper.", her steady whisper cut through the charged silence that hung in the air between them like a knife, and needless to say, it drew blood.

The danger in his eyes glinted like melting steel, his touch just as burning, as the corners of his lips lifted up in a smirk that made the fear snaking up her spine actually hiss with life. 

She flinched as soon as his index finger traced a feather-light track down her cheek, while he pushed her higher up the wall with the rest of his body, his other arm so strongly wrapped around her waist that she could say that it hurt. 

"Do I look like I care?", he asked, tilting his head slightly to a side.

Something inside her snapped, visibly. Just the way it had snapped that warning, and alarm signals ran wild in his mind. Two attacks within a span of a few hours was as far from healthy as could possibly be. And as her eyes glossed, he did what she had least expected.

His lips crashed onto hers. Not the tentative touch like that of the previous evening. Not just the flavour of the smoke.

No. This was the fire itself. Raw, wild and utterly consuming. It drank her in and let her drink it all in. 

He set them both on fire, like on the edge of an apocalypse - like the dance of death in a volcano's heart.

It was devastating, destructive and more ecstatic than anything she had ever known. He set her lips on fire with his own, and spread the fire straight into her heart.

He pulled away slightly when her blood burned with the need of air, but kept his lips on her skin, tracing wild, all-consuming tracks down her cheek, jaw, neck and further till her quiet echoes shattered the silence of the suite.

Then only did his words skitter in whispers on her silken skin. 

"Remember this, Princess. Let this fire frighten you whenever you hear any of the words that the darkness had ever spoken to you. Remember my touch whenever you feel like anything reminds you of its vileness. Remember what we have, Princess. Let us set that darkness on fire and annihilate the ashes till nothing but I consume your mind.", his words came out thicker than honey, hotter than fire and in a way - frightening. 

She did not want to let that happen. She did not want to burn away the memory of the darkness only to let someone else have that control on her. 

Hell, probably the darkness would be a better choice. It could only haunt her with the fear that she hated and fought with all her might. 

But this scarlet flame in all its Godly glory was something that she longed for, craved and desired with a passion unknown to herself. And if that desire was to turn into need, she knew that there was no going back. There would be no salvation for her, no rescue. 

If she stepped into this snare, this was it. 

"Princess, yield.", his voice sent fire racing over her skin with the lure that the flame presented to an essentially blind moth, as she drew her breath in a gasp.

She knew she should not. Letting him take the place of the darkness in her heart, have more control over her every breath than the darkness could ever have, was a terrible idea. But, what other way did she have?  She did not know how to regain any semblance of freedom from the darkness. 

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