IX ~ Green

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Green is the colour of your vengeance.
But it is also the colour of my heart
When a hand that is not mine
Touches the fire of your skin.
They have no right,
For, it is in all shades of green
That I have made you mine.


Silence still cloaked the entire dining hall like a velvet cloak that was too thick to breathe through but too beautiful to shred apart. It caressed their skins and set their hearts on fire. 

Curiosity burnt, but longing burnt deeper, making the singe taste almost sweet. 

It was hilariously ironic.

Or so the expressions on the faces of three people in the dining hall said. 

Subhadra was catching up with their silent conversations too. Albeit slowly, but she was getting there, and a childish joy filled her at the thought of finally getting to truly know the brother of her whose soul she could never sneak a peek at. At the thought of being able to finally - maybe - unveil some of the mysteries that the depths of a certain pair of dark crimson eyes held. 

It was thrilling in the way that standing at the edge of the cliff and tasting the cool, damp wind is thrilling for an aspiring cliff-diver. 

"I am not really fan of attention but this is thrilling.", Arjuna said under his breath, his head tilted slightly towards his lady companion of the evening, his words caressing her skin where her neck met her shoulder. 

She hand to clench her teeth to stop resist the shudder that passed down her spine from visibly making her shiver. 

"Then you can not possibly be entirely against attention, Your Highness. Because I am loathing every second of this.", she replied coolly, not so much as an additional crease on her flawlessly shiny expression, the small smile right in place, her voice lowered to an almost inaudible softness.

"You are not entirely against attention either, Princess.", his reply hid innuendos that only she would ever know, and heat rose up her neck to warm her face. 

"I do not recall ever telling you that I enjoyed any specific variety of attention - any, at all.", her reply was like a shard of ice on a pile of burning embers - it dissolved into nothingness in no time, but the smoke that rose from their contact was almost tangible. 

Any other person in even a moderately close proximity of the two could say that there was a sudden shift in the air, that something dangerous suddenly entered the equation. As if a shackled mercenary had secretly shattered the shackles and picked up the sharpest of swords in a fell swoop. 

Or maybe it was just that sharp glint that entered his dark crimson eyes turning it into almost complete black. 

He turned his head to completely face her, his eyes instantly holding her rebellious ones captive. A battle ensued right then and there - her gaze struggling and thrashing to break free, drawing blood with their coldness, and his gaze unrelenting, despite the gold that flowed, never letting hers go till she finally gave up the fight, with a frown of annoyance. 

"I do not need to tell me everything, Princess. Not when I am very capable of reading you better than you yourself can.", his voice had dropped into a timbre that made fire graze her skin. 

But she was not going down without a fight either, and she held his eyes till the sounding of conches drew their senses away from each other.

"His Majesty, King Dhritarashtra, Her Majesty, Queen Gandhari, and King Pandu's Dowager Queen, Lady Kunti are arriving.", the announcer spoke in a booming voice that echoed throughout the dining hall. 

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