VIII ~ Gray

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They fall for the vibrance of colours,
I was taught the same.
But I tend to forget their teachings.
And then you came along.
Like the brightest of comets
And the darkest of nights,
And I'm stuck in the gray blend of the two.



Both of them thanked whatever power resided as the Lord or Lady of their faith for the silence that welcomed them into the hallway from the prince's quarters.

Royal servants kept their hands incessantly busy in their constant efforts to keep every surface as polished as crystal.

She could not help roll her eyes, despite the scenario of their own actions.

"Others' misfortunes amuse you even at the face of your own upcoming misfortune? Now, that is rather unfortunate, Princess.", he whispered to her, his lips moving against the skin of the shell of her ear.

Heat flushed through her, making her silently thank the Divine yet again for her inability to truly blush, in more ways than one.

"It is not their misfortunes that amuse me, Your Highness. Rather, it is the pettiness that I seem to find in most human actions that I derive humour from.", she retorted, her voice low enough to not reach the ears of anyone except the God that walked right behind her, his lips no longer lingering on her silken skin.

"Have I ever told you that your hair reminds me of the fragrance of wild lilac?", his voice sounded thoughtful, as he articulately dropped the discussion of others.

Envy was a feeling completely new to him, and it burned just as bright within him. He did not even want the thought of any other person to cross her mind. Not even a general discussion regarding servants and their misfortunes, or humans and their pettiness. Now that the truth was out there, he desired her all to himself, and there most certainly was nothing that could or would get in the way of his deepest desire and utmost longing.

"You have not. Thank you.", a smile escaped her strong restrained and her lips quirked up most beautifully in the corners. He could hear her smile in her words.

"Hmm.", he hummed to himself, his eyes glued to the silken hair that she had put up in a low, messy updo. He decided that she would look absolutely ravishing even with dishevelled, right-out-of-bed hair. Infact, he concluded, that is the way that he wanted to see her for the rest of eternity; or however long they could have of it.

Utterly beautiful, and his.

But he also understood that it would not be the most feasible of ambitions. They had a long, long way to go. Both of them individually, in their own lives, both of them as partners and aides, and then only could he expect her to be agreeable to take the next step.

"I do realize that you are brooding, but I wonder, regarding what?", she asked, her steps never slowing down, her velvety flats silent on the marble floor. It made her think of the harsh beauty of the click of knee-high leather boots on a rocky mountain terrain.

Oh, how she missed the mountains and the wildness of the nature there. And it has not yet even been an entire day here. She wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. Friendships with Gods be damned.

She took a deep breath to calm her erratic, impatient thoughts, as he answered the question that she had very nearly even forgotten asking, "Not truly brooding. Only pondering over the beauty of your company."

Before any of them had a chance to say anything more, they realized that they had entered the lace and silk and velvet adorned, lit to a point of glittering, hallway that led to the door of the dining hall for the day's feasts with the honoured guests.

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