𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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the nightmare

ketterdam, kerch

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ketterdam, kerch

— SAOIRSE COULD HARDLY SEE HER HAND IN FRONT OF HER FACE AS SHE WALKED THROUGH THE SAND. She followed the footprints, and the trail of black blood as best she could, but it wasn't easy, and she knew that any minute a volcra could pluck her up and everything would end. She couldn't do anything. Not in here. She stopped in her tracks when she found herself at the mouth of a cave that somehow appeared even darker than everything else. She wanted to hesitate, but this is where the tracks led. She stepped inside, and the world went black entirely. When she could see again, she was surprised to find it was from candles, and even more surprised to see she was standing in a hut. Something about it felt strangely familiar, and a glance out the window confirmed it. She'd seen this place in a dream before. So why was she here now? She felt a presence behind her suddenly, and her eyes widened. She took a steadying breath. "I'm dreaming again, aren't I?"

She turned to see him behind her. He looked the same as he had the last time she dreamt of this place; no beard, long hair, eyes more sad than angry. This wasn't the Darkling. No, this was Aleksander. "Perhaps," he said softly.

"You aren't real."

"Not anymore."

"You're dead."

Slowly, he nodded his head. "In a way." he nearly whispered. "I was Aleksander Morozova once. Before I became the villain they made me." He looked around. "This is the day I died. The day I became something different."

She scowled. "People don't just change."

"I lost everything. So I turned to something I shouldn't have. I wish I could blame the Merzost for what it turned me into, but I chose to use it, didn't I?" He looked down at his feet. "Luda."

She frowned in confusion. "What?"

"The healer. Her name was Luda. I couldn't save her." There were tears in his eyes when he looked up. "And I didn't save you." Slowly, he made his way across the room to her, gently cupping her face in his hands. "I'm sorry." he said, his voice breaking. "We could have been this, Saoirse. We could have had each other, and been a family, and it would have been all we ever needed. Instead we're broken. And I did it to us. I'm so, so sorry Little Shadow."

Her heart shattered in her chest, and she opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, an earsplitting noise reverbrated all around. It sounded almost like a volcra, but deep and guttural, and more animalistic than demonic. Saoirse's head shot up, searching for the source of the noise while her heart beat out of her chest. A shadow approached, and it ripped off the roof of the hut. She saw a split-second flash of giant, razor-like teeth, a scaled black snout and eyes more terrifying than the Fold before its darkness swallowed her whole.

Saoirse woke with a gasp, her eyes immediately assaulted by the light of the setting sun. the smell of the sea filled her nose, and she could hear the waves all around. It was when she registered the prickle of pain in her back that she realised she'd fallen asleep on one of the benches on the ship's deck.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Joked a voice close by, and she sat up to see Inej smiling at her. "Bad dreams?"

"You could say that." Saoirse sighed.

"We're almost there. We should dock just after nightfall."

"Good." she smirked. "I can't wait."

"Neither can the other two. They're up at the prow."

Saoirse stood, offering an arm. "Shall we then?"

Inej smiled. "We shall." arm in arm, the two of them made their way up to the ship's prow where Kaz was staring ominously at the spot in the water that was probably Ketterdam whilst Jesper rambled on about all the gambling dens he wanted to get back to.

"You have a problem." the Shadow Summoner spoke up with a small chuckle.

Jesper shot her an offended look. "I do not."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"I will!"


It was dark when they stepped off the docks, and Saoirse took in a deep breath, exhilaration flooding her veins as the familiar scent and feel of the city hit her. She grinned. "I missed this."

Jesper smiled at her. "Home sweet home. Straight off the boat from Ravka and no one was waiting to kill us when we arrived. Yay. That's a good sign."

"Shut up." Saoirse scolded. "Ever heard of irony?"

"Please. Nothing's going to happen just because I said it wouldn't. And now, I think I might celebrate with a little dice and debauchery."

"No debauchery." Kaz said.

"Dice, then."

"No dice. We have stops to make."

"What's first?" Inej asked. "Tante Heleen." Saoirse's lip twitched as she remembered her threat against the wretched brothel-keeper.

"We need to get to the Crow Club."

The building they eventually stopped in front of was one Saoirse actually recognised. It had been abandoned the last time she was here; just another business run out by the Barrel and a good spot for two mischievous children to make their start. Now it was bustling with business – probably thanks to Kaz – but if the lack of a crow sign over the door and the vicious grip Kaz had on his cane were any indication, something was very wrong.

"Where's our sign?" Jesper asked, confusion and worry mixing in his tone.

"It's been replaced." Kaz said darkly.

"The Kaelish Prince?" Inej read.

The sharpshooter scrunched his nose. "What sort of name is that?"

"Dime Lions." Saoirse practically snarled under her breath, having spotted the tattoo on the bouncer's neck.

"Pekka Rollins owns the Crow Club?" Inej asked incredulously.

"Where does that leave us?" Jesper asked. "Does this mean we have no home? My suits." He whined. "All my hats."

Barely noticeable, Saoirse's eyes caught on the way Kaz wavered ever so slightly, clearly lost in his own mind. "Shh." She knew the whole story. She knew where he was. "Kaz." Her voice brought him back to reality as quickly as he'd left it. She looked him dead in the eye, and he saw the darkness there again for the first time since he was twelve years old. The look that said, we'll kill him, but we can't right now. "What's our plan?"

"Split up. It's not safe."

Just then, a whistle blew, and they turned to find the Stadwatch cornering them. "You four! Hands up!" Reluctantly, at gunpoint, they obeyed. "Kaz Brekker. Jesper Fahey. Inej Ghafa. It was only a matter of time before you turned up." His eyes widened slightly when he really looked at the silver-haired girl, and she smirked. "And you've dragged the Monster back into town. Course, we know now what your real name is, Kirigan. Convenient timing, I suppose."

"Is there a problem?" Kaz asked coldly.

"For you, yeah. You're wanted for murder."

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