(They're my favourite band so don't judge. This is based on the lyrics and what I think would describe the signs)
Aries: Car Radio
Taurus: Lane Boy
Gemini: Heathens
Cancer: Tear in My Heart
Leo: My Blood
Virgo: Stressed Out
Libra: Chlorine
Scorpio: Heavydirtysoul
Sagittarius: Guns for Hands
Capricorn: Level of Concern
Aquarius: Ride
Pisces: Shy Away
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Zodiac Scenarios
HumorBecause I'm bored. I make these up myself, so it may not be accurate (plz don't hate on me). Updates (almost) every day. Cover by me on Canva! WARNING: MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD AND I SWEAR A LOT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED