How to guess someone's sign

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Aries: Fairly chaotic, good at every sport

Taurus: Looks after you like you're a child

Gemini: Can go from chatting nicely with you then snapping your neck in 3 seconds

Cancer: The sweetest kid/person in class/work

Leo: Disagrees with everything you say, but has no reason to why they disagree

Virgo: Makes not-so obvious remarks

Libra: Wants to talk to you every 8 seconds (approximately)

Scorpio: The one who thinks they're never noticed but they always are, is a whole different person once you get to know them.

Sagittarius: P O P U L A R. And maybe cute/handsome

Capricorn: Probably the smartest person you know but just never shows it.

Aquarius: Comes out as a dork but will blow your mind with their talent.

Pisces: The biggest dreamer in your class/work.

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