The signs as trendy stuff

53 4 11

Title pretty much says it all

Aries: Nike Air Forces

Taurus: Makeup. Yes, all of it.

Gemini: Stanley cups (I used to think these caused cancer but the company addressed it and said they're all safe so yeah)

Cancer: Sped up versions of songs

Leo: Skincare routines/anything related to that

Virgo: Portable speakers

Libra: Starbucks (I'm sorry, I think Starbucks is really fucking mid like I'd rather buy a better drink for 8$)

Scorpio: AirPods (or any other wireless headphones)

Sagittarius: Vapes

Capricorn: LED light strips

Aquarius: Bucket hats

Pisces: Sweatpants or shirts/yoga pants

As you can tell, I am definitely not into trendy stuff lmao

People in the future will look back on this book and say "What the hell were they thinking back then....?"

Mark my words that WILL happen

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