Aries: Cursing in EXCITEMENT
Taurus: *Brags about it to everyone they know, maybe even to people they meet at a cafe*
Gemini: *Calls parents* "MEEMAW PEEPAW I'M FAMOUS LOOK"
Cancer: *switches their Twitter to professional* *insert gigachad meme*
Leo: *posts screenshot of post/article they're on to all their social medias* "PRAISE ME PEASANTS"
Virgo: *Pinches self 3972895 times*
Libra: *having the best fucking day of their life* "IT'S A SIGN FROM ZE HEAVENS!!"
Scorpio: *In denial until 3 days later*
Sagittarius: *visible confusion* "Nah that must be some other rando that looks just like me"
Capricorn: Ignores it, they have different things to care about. Like world domination
Aquarius: *faints from shock*
Pisces: *Is already famous* "Okay anddd?"
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Zodiac Scenarios
HumorBecause I'm bored. I make these up myself, so it may not be accurate (plz don't hate on me). Updates (almost) every day. Cover by me on Canva! WARNING: MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD AND I SWEAR A LOT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED