The signs at a concert

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Waffleishyumyum you requested this right?

Aries: Falls off the stage trying to kiss the lead performer

Taurus: Sings the lyrics very incorrectly

Gemini: Makes approximately 100 new friends in the queue

Cancer: Screaming violently like a crazy stan

Leo: Trying to outscream everyone there, loses their vocal chords in the process

Virgo: Murders anyone who disturbs them during their favourite song

Libra: Actually goes insane

Scorpio: "If there were only a lot less idiots then this would be actually enjoyable..."

Sagittarius: Actually knows all the songs and correct lyrics

Capricorn: *fangirls over the performer HARD* "I'm already planning our wedding.."

Aquarius: "Guys watch me crowd surf!" *attempts to crowd surf*  *falls face flat onto the ground*

Pisces: Takes a bit too many photos....

any Bleach fans?

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