The signs at a karoake bar

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The pic above is the karaoke bar the signs go to

Aries: Screams the lyrics to the hardest songs to exist, does terrible 

Taurus: Is drunk and criticising everyone else's singing

Gemini: Does a duet with Aquarius

Cancer: Too shy to sing, but in reality has a great singing voice 

Leo: Belting out the lyrics to (insert Kpop song, idk much kpop)

Virgo: Actually god at singing, but chooses a simple song so they don't get embarassed by their voice.

Libra: *sings The Greatest Living Show* (YOU GO LIBRAS)

Scorpio: Sang a meme song with their bestie

Sagittarius: Does EVERY Taylor Swift song to exist to the point that they're passed out on the couch.

Capricorn: *quietly singing* "NOBODY VIDEO ME. DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME"

Aquarius: Pulls an all out concert with Gemini


Again sorry to all the good singers who didn't get a good result here

Fun fact: I've had this chapter as a draft since April I just forgot about it lol

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