This image taken above was March 26th 2023, when I first hit 50 reads on one of my books. It holds a special place in my heart for no reason
Happy birthday Zodiac Scenarios! I honestly can't believe it's already been a year since I joined this community and published my first book (this one!) I've definitely improved on my knowledge of the Zodiac as well as my writing style lol
If I were to go back in time, specifically 1 year ago and tell past me that I would get more than 6,000 reads on all of my books
I would call myself bonkersI can't believe that within a year I went from a rookie astrologist with 1 follower to having 2 books with over 1,000 reads each, topping off with 30 followers and being part of such a kind and welcome community!
Enough ranting about me, I should be thanking y'all! You're all the reason I continued to write, that I continued to persevere. Even when I thought I wasn't good enough, you guys supported me and helped bring this book as well as my other books to life! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you all :DD
What do the signs do to celebrate this book's birthday?
Aries: Celebrate!!
Taurus: Celebrate!!
Gemini: Celebrate!!
Cancer: Celebrate!!
Leo: Celebrate!!
Virgo: Celebrate!!
Libra: Celebrate!!
Scorpio: Celebrate!!
Sagittarius: Celebrate!!
Capricorn: Celebrate!!
Aquarius: Celebrate!!
Pisces: Celebrate!!
Well, that's all from me for now as I'm going on a few trips over now and the spring break. Stay safe out there, and happy Easter!
- yourlocal_scorpi1117

Zodiac Scenarios
HumorBecause I'm bored. I make these up myself, so it may not be accurate (plz don't hate on me). Updates (almost) every day. Cover by me on Canva! WARNING: MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD AND I SWEAR A LOT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED