Aries: Has friends over 24/7 and blasts their music/shows when you're around
Taurus: Super chill, even leaves leftover food for you sometimes
Gemini: They're usually either watching anime or vanishes to god knows where
Cancer: Best friends with you and actually helps you take care of the apartment/room
Leo: Trashes the place and probably only pays 25% of rent
Virgo: Somehow pays all the rent before you can. If they see a single speck of crumbs they'll burn you alive
Libra: Probably one of the only normal roommates to exist. They invite friends over but don't cause too much ruckus, and they leave you alone when you're working. And YES, they help pay rent!!
Scorpio: Most of the time they forget you exist, but they're super nonchalant and don't cause any chaos (at least when you're around)
Sagittarius: Best friends with you but backstabs you when rent is due
Capricorn: The sweetest roomate ever but scolds you for not finishing your homework/extra work
Aquarius: They almost never come out of their room. But hey, at least they pay their part for rent
Pisces: Sets off the smoke alarm at least twice a week, but can you blame them?

Zodiac Scenarios
HumorBecause I'm bored. I make these up myself, so it may not be accurate (plz don't hate on me). Updates (almost) every day. Cover by me on Canva! WARNING: MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD AND I SWEAR A LOT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED