Aries: Bored. Bored. BORED. BORED! BORED!!! BOREDDD!!!!!!!
Taurus: I'm in denial. Summer CAN'T be over!!
Gemini: Hey! This isn't so bad- *gets hit by a flying backpack*
Cancer: I want to die...
Leo: *raises hand* "Can I go to the bathroom?" x48
Virgo: I hate everyone and everything.
Libra: *in the hallways* WHY AM I SANDWICHED IN BETWEEN EVERYONE *getting hydraulic pressed*
Scorpio: Death and darkness.
Sagittarius: Yo teacher when do I get to go home??
Capricorn: *the one who threw the backpack because they are turning insane* HUMAN BLOOD DOES NOT SATISFY MY NEED FOR WATTPAD *has a knife*
Aquarius: Mom, pick me up I'm scared-
There's too much people....
Pisces: Do we have any recess? How long is it till lunch?? WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS??? I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!! HELP ME DEAR LORD *dead on the ground*

Zodiac Scenarios
HumorBecause I'm bored. I make these up myself, so it may not be accurate (plz don't hate on me). Updates (almost) every day. Cover by me on Canva! WARNING: MY GRAMMAR IS SUPER BAD AND I SWEAR A LOT SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED